
Go back and watch the episode. I have. The whole point of it is that Kirk and Kor are two sides of the same coin; both of them have far more respect for each other than they do for the “sheeplike” pacifists of the settlement, and both of them are salivating for a glorious war where they can prove their might and

No, but you do have to admit, when confronted with evidence of what he’d done, Kirk and Spock were all, “Well, everyone knows that from a purely utilitarian standpoint, fascist governments are the best governments.” Their complaint was in no way shape or form that this guy thought Hitler had some good ideas; it was

“Roddenberry dreamed of a better future, where humanity had evolved and become better. Where we’d moved beyond petty differences and stopped being a savage, barbarous species.”

“We evolved, not physically, but emotionally and sociologically. We were no longer the barbarians that Q wanted to eliminate.”

Yes, like in that TOS episode where Kirk was salivating for a war with the Klingons and omnipotent aliens had to show up and scold him like a little child and tell him, “No, we’re not going to let you murder each other,” and Kirk sulked about it and told them it wasn’t fair because he could totally kill lots of

I don’t know if it’s “expecting” so much as “preparing”. We want feet on the throttle all the way until the polls close, and if a few days of anxiety mean an utter fucking landslide for Biden, I’m good with that trade.

Basically, they’re falling victim to a cult mentality. Not just in a pejorative sense but in the clinical meaning of the term - they’ve created an environment in which adherence to the doctrine supersedes consensus reality, as enforced by an “us vs them” mentality where belief in the propaganda is rewarded and

No, not just like tobacco and sweet alcholic drinks. This isn’t even remotely a similar situation. There aren’t bookstores out there shelving RPO in with the adult science fiction as the result of some sort of court-ordered mandate, then putting out big ads for the book in every allowable medium that makes it appeal

I’m under the impression that publishers don’t market books about it to kids, certainly. Amazon has it listed under “Humor and Entertainment”, which is a generous assessment but more accurate. I think Barnes and Noble slots it into its science fiction section. I’ve never seen it in the YA shelves of any bookstore.

Wait wait wait wait wait. You thought that was YA fiction? Even after the lengthy, almost-evangelical description of the wonders of masturbation that went on for something like three solid pages?

There is no legitimacy to the Supreme Court anymore. That ship has sailed. Then it was set on fire. Then it sank. The idea that somehow, if Democrats just keep playing by the rules then golly good gosh the legitimacy of the institution will somehow remain untarnished because only one side blocks appointments by their

Oh absolutely. For example, my cat wants to grab food from my plate. Rather than swat her away, I engage her in a reasoned, intelligent debate over the merits of her position, the better to understand them.

Is anyone else kind of amazed that the allegations of Eli Roth’s sexual misconduct--allegations that were basically just repeating his own words back verbatim--came and went without even a ripple of negative press?

HBO was practically begging them for more seasons, but they refused. Money and time was not their problem. Lack of interest in continuing was.

Return of the Living Dead takes place over the 3rd and 4th of July, ending with a fairly sizeable firework on Independence Day.

No, I think they’re extremely dumb, because they think that they can control the chaos they’re unleashing. But I’ll agree that this is entirely deliberate.

Isn’t ‘Inception’ all about how the protagonist is tormented because he accidentally brainwashed his wife into committing suicide and now she’s haunting his subconscious as a vindictive shrew?

I think I’m using “ripoff” in a pretty colloquial sense—Entity A attempted to profit from a trademark and/or copyright, in this case ‘Star Trek’, that was owned by Entity B and not theirs to legitimately use. Now, the law holds that profit isn’t a necessary component in infringement - I can’t print off a million

1) Of course they shut that simulator down! They don’t want anyone thinking that the way to get a deal with Paramount is to show off your work first and use fan enthusiasm to force them to negotiate with you. If they let this get through, then everyone would think that they could blackmail Paramount into funding their

Because Axanar forced their hand. Paramount was pretty happy to let the fan productions keep going and turn a blind eye to them, but when someone goes out and blatantly tries to start their own movie studio by making low-budget Trek ripoffs, they had to crack down. You want to complain, complain about the guy who