
Motherfucker didn’t even mention his dad was visiting until his mom walked out of the shuttlecraft and said hello. I think we can safely say that he doesn’t share his personal life with his co-workers.

Mmmm, he’s definitely broken some laws. Retaliation against an employee for becoming pregnant is workplace discrimination and is illegal, and his own words are an admission of guilt when it comes to workplace sexual harassment.

Well, they were with SMG. Between Seasons Five and Six, their relationship soured badly, and it shows--she’s just not engaged with the series after it moves to UPN, and apparently a large part of that was due to behind the scenes tension with Whedon. He started shitting on her publicly in interviews right about then,

I was in the room with a Londoner when watching it, and she didn’t comment. Then again, she may just have given up on trying to correct us all by this point.

To give a tiny, miniscule, scrap of a fragment of fairness to that argument, I know that when Jodorowsky’s Dune collapsed, some of the suddenly-jobless-and-broke production designers went looking for jobs anywhere they could be found, and O’Bannon at least wound up on Star Wars where he did the graphics for the Death

It wasn’t stupidity. They were all fully convinced that the mechanisms of government were on their side, and it was just the pesky Democrats in Congress who didn’t share their patriotism. They had every reason to believe, given the pronouncements from Trump and others, that their actions were going to be not just

I believe Tig Notaro is available.

Wait, you mean Iron Man isn’t Sociopathic Iron Man?

Even before that, everyone thought that T2 had gone so big that it couldn’t possibly make back a budget that size even if it was an enormous success. I feel like there has to be a point where Cameron can’t keep making bigger and bigger bets like this, but I have to admit we haven’t seen it yet.

Although I’ll point out that Marvel has been pretty solid on not even rolling out a logo until they’re pretty firm on a project. Of all the formally announced Marvel projects, only the date for Inhumans came and went without a feature film, and even that eventually got a TV show because Jeph Loeb couldn’t say no to

Oh man. This is exactly what I’ve been saying ever since TLJ came out. Rian Johnson looked at all of the mysteries JJ Abrams set up and realized that the most interesting answer to literally every one of them is “Who cares?”

At least “you don’t recognize me because of my red arm” was supposed to be a joke. :)

I mean, look. A century ago the cops would have given him a pat on the back and bought him a beer before declaring the case “unsolved”. We are working our way back from such a deep pit of racial inequity that it’s almost unimaginable, and we still have a long way to go.

Well... I mean... weirdly, there’s tons of material for a franchise, but they decided to ignore it all. The whole movie is a prequel to the movie Dan Ackroyd wanted to make, about a world where Ghostbusters were as common as garbagemen and there was a local franchise in every town that handled supernatural problems as

Here’s a new thought: How about we stop arguing over whether movies are “good” or “bad”, which are entirely subjective and personal even in the presence of a common set of criteria which are rarely established, and instead talk about why we like or dislike a film? The reasons are always more interesting than any

I long to live in your world where Lethal Weapon 4 wasn’t full of constant, over-the-top mugging reactions to Joe Pesci’s antics. :)

So this is a movie that’s only got two problems.

They’re swearing up and down that Salva has absolutely no involvement with this, fiscally or otherwise, but a) do you really trust that, and b) why are they trying to resurrect a franchise whose main claim to fame at this point is its connection to a famous pedophile and rapist?

And he’s always been that way. Every project he’s taken since the original Star Wars trilogy has been something that he thought sounded fun, even the silly low-budget stuff. He’s never chased money or fame, he’s always just done the acting he wanted to do. He is living the dream and it’s a good dream to live.

It also disregards the fact that it wasn’t exactly easy to make then, either. I know that ‘All in the Family’ bounced around a couple of networks because everyone got real twitchy about putting something “political” on TV.