The “RR” was Ronald Reagan, right?
The “RR” was Ronald Reagan, right?
And let me stress again, the restaurant was not even a little bit at fault for that. It was GenCon’s first year in Indianapolis, and the sudden horde of geekdom was entirely new to Steak ‘N’ Shake and the entire city (apparently there was a Jets preseason game scheduled that weekend, and the visiting team had to book…
I remember going to the Indy Steak ‘N’ Shake the first year Gen Con was held there. Absolutely nobody warned the local businesses that a mass of people roughly equivalent to the town of Stillwater, Oklahoma was about to decamp into their immediate vicinity for four days, and that they would almost universally be…
But it does scan to the tune of ‘If I Were a Rich Man’.
But those things are generating outrage. In pretty vast quantities, judging by the slow but inexorable march of lawsuits against the companies who overprescribed opioids. The shibboleth that “nobody cares about these things” is blatant whataboutism, the idea that unless you’ve already solved every single one of…
Except... we do. In my lifetime, we’ve added airbags and crumple zones, mandated seatbelts and childseats, developed better and safer childseats and made laws about their placement in cars, started public awareness campaigns about the dangers of first driving intoxicated then driving “buzzed” then driving distracted,…
You’ve posted no links to any scientific studies. You want to argue with the consensus opinion of the medical community? Go fetch, puppy. I don’t need to prove shit to an ignorant, bigoted fuckwit like you.
You know that saying, “It’s funny because it’s true”? The reverse also applies.
Every single argument you make could be put directly into the mouth of a Flat Earther. “Yes, I know you keep saying that the scientific establishment agrees with you, but you haven’t given evidence that satisfies me, ergo you must be wrong and I must be right even though I’ve offered nothing to back up my case beyond…
Oh darling. Please don’t think I consider my opinion to be the only thing that matters! It’s only you I think is worthless.
I didn’t expect that Twist.
“I don’t know how you know which study I’m referring to, since I already admitted I don’t. If you read the articles that I merely glanced at before pasting a bunch of random Google links into a reply that I openly stated that I neither endorse nor understand, you’d see first hand that the American Medical Association…
Yeah, it’s almost like I actually know trans kids and their parents, and you’re just some rando from the Internet repeating your racist uncle’s Facebook memes! Weird how that is.
Look, they also support the state of Israel while being the most anti-Semitic motherfuckers on the face of the planet. Intellectual consistency may not be their strong suit, is what I think I’m trying to say here.
“I’m not talking about the vague, unverifiable bullshit people spout about medical treatment of trans kids! I’m talking about the even vaguer, even less verifiable bullshit people spout about socialization of trans kids!”
I’m intimately fucking familiar with the study you’re half-assedly pretending to cite, and it’s fucking bullshit. Their methodology is fatally flawed, they cherry-picked their data, and their definition of “desist” is so narrowly chosen as to absolutely guarantee the results they wanted before they even started.
Because the American Medical Association is on my side, motherfucker. You want to argue that you, Rando From the Internet, knows more than the consensus opinion of the entire medical community as proven through years of treatment and longitudinal study of actual patients, then you need something a whole lot better…
Wow. “There are studies that prove I’m right!” “Like which ones?” “Oh, they’re out there. I really can’t endorse them. That’s kind of on you to do the research.” I don’t fucking need to point studies out to you, because the FUCKING AMA did that already and disseminated the information to the FUCKING MEDICAL DOCTORS…
Dude, you don’t even know what “empirical” means. Let’s not pretend you’ve got some secret expertise in statistics you’re ready to bust out here.
I can’t help but notice that those aren’t actual, you know...studies. The ones you said you could lay your hands on. Think pieces you found online don’t count. Kindly put up or shut up, please.