
Tuition cost does exist empirically. Like... that’s literally what “empirical” means, it means information that exists independently of the person experiencing it. Are you trying to say that tuition is all, like, in the mind, man? That if we just feel that the college debt problem doesn’t exist, it won’t? That’s so

Bullying someone into apologizing is a horrible leftist tactic and should be excoriated and abandoned.

Can you cite some of these studies? Because everyone who says “Oh, there are studies that say this is bad for kids” always turn out to be citing the same two guys who were hired by Focus on Christ and Lord and God and Christ and God and they have a sample size of zero. The studies I’ve seen, and believe me as parents

Why don’t you let your kid choose what’s for dinner? I mean, sure, set boundaries, discuss the issue, lay out the groundwork to help them make good choices. Heck, even make them cook whatever they pick to help them learn new skills and promote the notion that making a choice means being responsible for the outcome.

In the immortal words of Wikipedia, “[citation needed]”. If I had a nickel for every rando on the Internet who told me they totally witnessed some bullshit that would blow my mind but I just had to take their word for it, I wouldn’t have to fucking work for a living.

“I’ve been a progressive my whole life, but if I have to listen to GODDAMNED MEDICAL RESEARCH instead of my crazy Aunt Florence who forwarded me a Facebook meme about putting baby boys in dresses, I’m fucking out of here! Screw you and your fucking ‘facts’ and your fucking ‘accuracy’! I will give up on my transphobia

“The Republicans are literally putting people in concentration camps while stacking the Supreme Court with compliant stooges who will safeguard his private business affairs from any investigation into his ties with a foreign dictator. But I think that the most important issue facing us today is clear: Do Democrats

I’m sure you’re right. But if even one person reads my response and comes away with a better understanding of what trans kids go through in order to have their identity accepted as medically valid, I’m willing to have this argument with a lot more assholes than just this guy. :)

And you remind me of those conservatives who read a Facebook meme that their transphobic uncle sent them and thinks you actually know what the fuck you’re talking about, even though you’re uncritically parroting propaganda crafted by theocrats and grifters who have a vested interest in demonizing trans individuals.

How do we know Obama was born without a birth certificate? We don’t want to elect someone who was from his mother’s womb untimely ripp’d, not when that could cost him the crucial Macbeth vote.

Should we also mention his hysteria-stoking book about the Japanese coming to take over all our businesses because they’re refighting World War II, only with money this time instead of guns and they’re winning?

Yeah, I mean--sure, we all know that it’s a problem that’s going to solve itself, but you really just want to put the election on fast-forward until we get rid of the no-hopers and never-weres.

Are you a medical doctor? Because my kid had to have a medical doctor prescribe them Lupron. And monitor their physical condition regularly between shots (because Lupron only lasts about three months). And continue checking in with them and with their therapist. And submit all this to an insurance company for approval

Right, but that doesn’t happen. Schools don’t do that. Parents don’t do that. Speaking from personal experience, a diagnosis is required from a qualified mental health professional before a school will take action, and even then it can be an uphill struggle sometimes. There’s just not anybody out there saying, “Oh, my

Nobody, but the same people spouting this line are the ones who legitimately think they’re aborting full-term babies. They’re falling for propaganda hook, line and sinker.

Anybody who treats their child like a silent mannequin to be punished anytime they develop a personality is an unfit parent.

Except that no, parents don’t give transitioning hormones at extremely young ages. That’s a lie. Parents may ask a therapist to give them a diagnosis of gender nonconforming behavior, which they then take to a medical doctor at an age when the child is near to going through puberty, and that doctor may, if after a

Yeah, here’s the thing: As someone who knows first-hand about this stuff, nobody is “pumping four year olds full of drugs”. Lupron is a prescription medication and it’s very expensive, meaning that by the time you actually put your kid on it (which is not at four—there’s not a doctor in the world that would prescribe

“Parents should simply let their kids be!”

Yeah. I mean, as I understand it the festival more or less happened only because everyone involved thought there would be a riot if they tried to cancel it with that many people already onsite, right?