
It’s especially ironic given that according to a Van Williams interview (back in the late, lamented ‘Starlog’ magazine) there was a period where they had trouble getting stuntmen for “Green Hornet” because Bruce Lee had injured pretty much every guy in the industry. They had to take him aside and show him some of the

I’m glad you enjoy it. I’m probably not going to seek it out again to see if I change my mind, though.

So like the original, then.

In my lifetime, we’ve gone from “Being cartoonishly evil shouldn’t necessarily disqualify you from holding political office as a Republican” to “Being cartoonishly evil is a qualification to hold political office as a Republican” to “Being cartoonishly evil is the only necessary qualification to hold political office

I think the first one still more or less works. It’s certainly true that they’re all a satire of a genre that was dying even at the time, but I think that the suave British super spy is one of those tropes that has such a long half-life that you could probably watch the first Austin Powers movie in twenty years and

My dad said, “The problem with draining the swamp is that you see the same old slime all over again.”

Bribery and kompromat go hand in hand. Once you’ve taken Russian money, you’re vulnerable to blackmail, and it’s not like they’ve got a reputation to uphold.

That pressure is really the only thing that bothers me. If your aesthetic is sparkles, hearts, unicorns and rainbows, then hell yeah, do your thing! Spending money on this is honestly no worse than spending money on Star Wars figures or dinosaur toys or Pokemon cards or anything else kids that age like, and only

From what I’ve read, it wasn’t even the pressure of running Lucasfilm as much as it was the miserable experience he had making ‘Star Wars’. He was working with an unfamiliar crew in Elstree, trying to make a whole new kind of movie that fused cinema verite’s realism with science fantasy, and most of the people on the

I have to imagine that when he was a twenty-one year old homeschooled evangelical who’d never experienced any of the stuff he denounced through anything other than the lens of his parents telling him how awful it was, he was probably pretty sincere. That doesn’t make any of it less awful, but he wasn’t so much a

Unquestionably. There’s also the flip side to Lucas circa 1975, though, the political film maker who Coppola considered at one point to direct Apocalypse Now before he decided to do it himself. THX-1138 is more obviously political, an allegory for the way that contemporary psychiatry numbed patients with drugs, but if

It seems really self-evident to me. “Hey, I wanna go see the spot that all those people died trying to get back from!” Maybe... don’t?

Nah, I’d have seen it if it was going over my head because I spent that entire speech rolling my eyes.

She was a grieving mother, I misspoke. I remembered the black and my brain crossed wires. :)

No. The contract signed at the time was one that any reasonable person would expect to give DC exclusive publication rights for a year after the last issue was released, after which the rights would revert to Moore. DC exploited a loophole in the contract, but there is literally nobody at the time who would have seen

Yes, because it really teaches us a valuable lesson about racism today by looking at how popular a racist movie was in 1939.

“After years of nausea and expensive, agonizing surgeries, I recovered from my cancer. Now these people are supposedly just curing it? That’s a slap in the face to people like me who worked hard to survive this disease. Vote no on curing cancer. Thank you.”

Y’know, given what we’ve seen of his skills at governance, I’m generally fine with him spending all his time watching television and angry-tweeting. We just need to trick him into hiring competent people who will lie to him about what they’re doing, that’s all.

Then why did he resign? I mean, literally the thirty-five Senators said, “Resign now or we’ll have to open an investigation,” because that’s literally the only consequence they could bring to bear on him. He resigned. Now he’s wishing there was an investigation. I get that hindsight is 20/20, but let’s not pretend he

I gave up on football when the Vikings’ response to a man who beat his child so hard he left scars was, “..yyyyyyyyeah, but have you seen him play?” Thank you, Drew, for every year reminding me how good that decision was.