
Y’know, if Franken wanted due process so much, he could have stayed in office and demanded an investigation. It’s almost like he really wanted to duck out of the public eye for a while, then use his media connections to rewrite history to make himself seem more sympathetic!

He rented it to them, and they claimed that as long as they kept paying him money they never had to give it back. And then they classified several of the knock-offs they made as “promotional items” and refused to pay him the money they owed for it.

Impeachment proceedings will lay out, in the public record, his criminal activities, abuses of power, and foreign entanglements. If they make a good case and McConnell throws it out, it can only energize Democrats and demoralize Republicans.

Or more accurately, this guy named Alan Moore who made one really cool vase, and then someone stole it and is churning out cheap reproductions until the end of time while making billions of dollars off of an aesthetic that was uniquely his.

Because people keep asking him about it. If someone stuck a microphone in your face on a weekly basis and asked you about the thing that pissed you off most in all the world, you’d come off as a grumpy fuck too. :)

Because those creators are dead. Moore’s stance is very simple. If you’re alive, you deserve a say in what gets done with your work. If you’re dead, you don’t. Pretty much every time he’s gone against that stance, it’s been because the views of the original creator have been misrepresented to him (like with Mick Anglo

He won’t, but that’s by choice—he’s already said on multiple occasions that he hates the adaptations and doesn’t want to see a dime from them. He gives his share of the royalties to Dave Gibbons.

No. It wasn’t all work for hire. ‘Watchmen’ was done under a deal that gave him royalties, so was ‘LoEG’ (which wasn’t created for DC—it was created for Wildstorm, which was later acquired by DC). He doesn’t have creative control over the film adaptations, but they do have to pay him for them.

‘Watchmen’ wasn’t work for hire. The rights were supposed to revert a year after the series ended, but DC exploited a loophole by continually reprinting the book in one form or another to justify screwing Moore out of billions of dollars. Don’t talk about this until you’ve done your homework, please.

No. He really didn’t. His changes to Rorschach make that perfectly clear. In the comics, Rorschach is a homicidal lunatic who indiscriminately kills people because of a revelation he had that there is no moral order to the universe, and therefore anything he does is just and right. He’s not a good guy, he’s a serial

He’s always been very clear that if Wein or Siegel and Shuster or Mick Anglo had ever asked him to stop, he would have. In fact, the one complaint he doesn’t have is with Marvel reprinting Marvelman--they went to Mick Anglo, they compensated him for his work, that’s pretty much the end of it as far as he’s concerned

Nearly all of his content since then, outside of America’s Best Comics, has been using other creators’ out-of-copyright characters without their permission in ways they almost certainly would disagree with.

And honestly, I don’t necessarily think that it’s fair to separate ‘Jaws’ and ‘Star Wars’ from the private, personal auteur movies they supposedly displaced. ‘Star Wars’ is an intensely political film, anti-authoritarian and fiercely pro-revolution; it just had the bad luck to spend so long in development that the

Yeah, I kind of felt like this review could be shortened down to, “It’s based on a Garth Ennis property. Were you really expecting something else?”

Except that it’s not, because the highest box office grosses adjusted for inflation come from an era of vertical integration between studio and theater, where the studio could literally decide what played and what didn’t and could artificially inflate box office takes by simply keeping a movie in the theaters they

Omar appears to respond to a question about terrorism by saying that “our country should be more fearful of white men,” because “they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country.” The video also makes it seem like she’s advocating that white men be subjected to government surveillance.

Oh, Kurt Russell nails that role so hard. He’s fantastic, and I still get chills every time he gives the speech about, “Well there was a fifty-fifty chance on which direction you’d take. You see we’re both going left, you could’ve just as easily been going the same and if that happened it might have been awhile before

The plural of anecdote is not data. Extending your personal experience to America is not a plan.

Oh, absolutely. Whether they hired someone incompetent or hired someone who willfully planned to screw them over, it doesn’t look good for them either way.

As other people have pointed out, this smacks less of shitty, lazy research practice and more of an IT person punking TPUSA and excusing it with, “Oh, wow, I guess I pulled up the wrong image file.” The intellectual laziness comes more from the conservative tendency to blindly believe anyone who sounds like they agree