
I can certainly see how there are thematic reasons to have a speech like that in the movie, but the actual speech as written is really jarring and tonally dissonant from the rest of the movie and the character of Bill. It just felt like Tarantino had a whole bunch of things he, personally, wanted to say, and he sort

Ah, so you’ve seen the first half of ‘Death Proof’ too!

When did you go to college? For that matter, when did your kids go to college? Tuition cost 20% of the median income in 1971, and 50% in 2016. The idea that this is a problem that can be solved by hard work and gumption is more often rooted in ignorance of the situation than a realistic assessment of the costs

Yes, how could I have gotten confused and equated “cut off his balls” with some sort of expression of violence? It’s just like when I thought that “shoot first and ask questions later” was some sort of metaphor equating the expression of moral outrage with gun violence! Gosh, it’s so amazing how you keep using such

Kill Bill was where he went off a cliff for me. Sitting through all of the excellent Volume 1, all of the excellent Volume 2, to find that it all leads up to David Carradine literally putting the plot on hold so he can expound at length on his opinions on Clark Kent and Superman? What. The. Fuck.

I think he’s one of those white dudes who sees himself as Honorary Black because he’s so woke, and so he thinks he’s entitled to use racial slurs to reclaim them.

The etymology is the point. Because this whole time, you’ve been trying to frame this as extrajudicial violence done to an innocent man, as though thirty-five Senators dragged Al Franken out into a back alley and roughed him up until he fled town out of fear for his safety.

Oh yes, those common and non-violent phrases like “Cut off the balls of everyone who’s ever accused”. Who among us hasn’t casually equated expressing moral indignation and threatening an investigation of a man’s sexual assualts with literally castrating them and preventing them from achieving their sexual potency? I

Are you literally suggesting that you don’t understand how someone could hear someone else talking about shooting people and come to the conclusion that they’re using violent rhetoric? I mean, is your head genuinely that far up your ass, or are you just looking for any way to weasel out of your own words at this point

Once again, you’ve turned “stridently express moral outrage” into “cut off the balls”. You keep trying to create some sort of violence done to Franken, some sort of threat of physical harm that will make him a greater victim than the people he victimized. Your speech is full of this kind of violently charged hyperbole

It’s not so much “willfully ignoring the point” as it is “cheerfully directing your attention to the fact that in your opinion, threatening to investigate someone is worse than investigating them and that makes absolutely no fucking sense unless, like just about everyone else on Franken’s side here, you think the

“Glad you feel good about that. It’s great to see both sides of the political aisle drift toward fascism that suits their own interests.”

The default response for each and every last “I want to do this activity, but my significant other has indicated it’s a hard pass, how do I change her mind?” letter should be simply, “DON’T.” If it’s an absolute need, find someone else to do it with, but a hard pass is a hard pass is a hard pass. Period.

Or for people who’ve had experiences with violence and stalking and aren’t comfortable turning others down directly as a result. It does happen.

There’s a big difference between “I don’t understand your point” and “I understand your point perfectly, but I also understand that women don’t get justice through ‘due process’ because the system is inherently geared to protect sexual predators as has been amply proven literally millions of times, and anyone who’s

We had an investigation with Kavanaugh. It did exactly jack and shit, apart from giving him cover any time someone brings up the topic in future. “There was an investigation, he was exonerated, anything else is just vindictiveness.” Clearly, ‘an investigation’ is not the magical talisman against wrongdoing you think

Maybe he FUCKING DID IT AND EIGHT WOMEN CAME FORWARD TO SAY SO. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. What the fuck does it take?

I’m reminded of a story in the book ‘Devil in the White City’, about notorious serial killer H.H. Holmes. He used to go hang out with the workers building his infamous murder hotel, and he’d casually joke about how funny it would be to drop a brick on the head of one of the men below ‘by accident’. And if the person

And it doesn’t strike you as odd that Franken suddenly resigning rather than have his behavior investigated is taken as evidence of his innocence, rather than evidence of his guilt? Are you also one of those people who defend Roman Polanski, who’s clearly hanging out in countries that have no extradition to America

Just in case anyone is curious, the total number of legislators in those fourteen states is 2,201. Now, obviously some of them, but no more than half by definition, voted for expansion. So the number of state legislators preventing this is somewhere between 1,101 and 2,201. Meaning that each and every state legislator