
Oh, no no no no no. Please don’t misconstrue what I’m saying. Donald Trump is absolutely a fascist, and he is absolutely putting into place the apparatus of a fascist state. What I’m saying is that he’s not yet at a stage where this is irreversible, and that continued resistance is having a positive effect in delaying

If any of that is to happen - and keep in mind, this is not at all me playing Pollyanna here, it’s very obvious what Trump wants and is trying to do - he’d have to first gain control of the media. It’s impossible for him to present moves like that as necessary and proper when there’s an entire 24-hour news apparatus

I bet those speeches originally said “economically superior”. Probably just an overzealous staffer looking to cut for time or something.

Ohhhhhh, right. I feel so stupid.

Why do you think that? Do you think that employers hire employees they don’t need, simply out of the kindness of their hearts and a desire to distribute seven dollars and twenty five cents per hour (but no more!) in charity? Do you think that so many employers depend on exploiting their labor for less than a living

So wait wait wait wait wait. It’s fucking COINCIDENCE that every single slave in the antebellum South just happened to be black?

Trade paperbacks weren’t a thing in the mid-to-late 80s, when Moore made the deal. Despite a lot of people trying to claim that it was really obvious that it would never go out of print, at the time it was pretty reasonable to assume that they’d publish all twelve issues, maybe reprint Issue #1 once or twice to

If anyone is looking for hope in the middle of all this, I will say that I recently read ‘In the Garden of Beasts’, a memoir of 1930s Germany, and there is one important difference. When Hitler made speeches like this, the next day nobody dared to criticize them. State surveillance combined with control of the media

They’re going to keep releasing laws under his name for the next several years, working from his old studio material.

Oh, absolutely. My statement about the way that toxic masculinity erases male victims and female predators was not at all intended to refute the very real fact that it also creates male predators at an overwhelming rate. The way men are taught to view women and sex is terrible, and I don’t want to even hint at any

I feel like the underrepresentation of women in sexual abuse statistics is, itself, a manifestation of sexism. Women can’t be perceived as sexual abusers in a patriarchal system because sex with them is seen as a commodity to be obtained—if you’re male and you don’t want sex with a woman, that’s seen as a defect to be

So imagine that you could make one movie that provides you with $800 million in sweet, sweet worldwide box office loot... or you could make two. Which would you pick?

To quote Garth Ennis, “Why the fuck is it that all the defenders of the white race turn out to be the worst examples of it?”

Thank you for doing the extra research there! I’ll admit, I was just going on the basis of “this guy sounds like the kind of asshole who exaggerates his academic credentials,” so it’s nice to see someone putting in the work to confirm my hunch. :)

Amen and hallelujah. I never use it as a term to describe a person, but as a term to describe a body part it is incomparably poetic.

There’s an ancient academic tradition that may be involved, known as “90% of the people reading my resume won’t even bother fact-checking it.”

In fairness, “emeritus professor” does sound like a resume-padding way of saying, “U of M Duluth fired my crazy ass.”

And some people are just ahead of the curve. Famously, Carole Ann Ford in the first series of Doctor Who had her hair styled by Vidal Sassoon so it would look ever so slightly like she came from the future.

-has an extremely good looking woman come to his house to ask science questions and answers them all without hitting on her even a little!

If it was accurate to Indiana, nothing would ever happen there. (Oh, but I kid the state of Indiana!)