
Roe v Wade is already gone, unless you’re able to jump through all the hoops that the GOP has put in place. Which is, unfortunately, exactly where they want it to be--accessible to rich white women, outlawed for everybody else, and still juuuuuuuust legal enough to fundraise for generations on getting rid of it.

Hate to defend a guy like this, but I think y’all are parsing this wrong. He’s saying that some of the gymnasts abused by Nassar are used to the spotlight of high-level gymnastic competition, and they still enjoy the respect and attention (which he defines as “awards and recognition”) of the average casual fan of

Although, in fairness, it’s true that Andre the Giant was by all accounts very sweet. #NoTallMen

“Look, nobody’s more feminist than I am! But...”

I agree. That’s why my proposed monuments to Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles Manson, and the Zodiac Killer should be approved without delay, and placed prominently in major cities across America. Unless we see these men standing in heroic poses, above plaques that remind everyone involved that they were fighting for what they

First, he did not always ask for consent. He frequently did, but some of the women did confirm that he went ahead and masturbated without telling them he was going to do so.

...did you, um... read the piece on Aziz Ansari? It was pretty fucking terrible. She kept telling him to back off and slow down, and his response was basically to wait five minutes and then attempt to jam his dick down her throat. This whole idea that we have to have a “spectrum” of being shitty to women, and that

This. This shirt was the absolute winner. I would watch an entire series of Andre Braugher saying literally anything while wearing that shirt.

Not just one daughter, but two daughters. There’s clearly a bonus multiplier for extra daughters when using them as a shield against sexual harassment claims. If he’d had thirty-seven daughters, we’d all have to apologize to him.

I have watched his episode of B99 more times than I want to admit. God, it gives me chills when he stands up at the end and rattles off his confession just to shut Andy Samberg the fuck up. :)

That’s fair, but she was saying that nerds don’t play it anymore because we’ve moved on to other things. We totally haven’t. (The Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica is freaking metal.)

“Person of Interest” was like, stealth weird. It started out as “oh, we’re your standard action show with a wacky gimmick,” and it slowly slowly edged out into stranger and stranger territory until by the end, you’re like, “Of course the series is about two rogue AIs duking it out for the future of humanity. What else

Also, I think this is genuinely one of those problems that nerds make a lot more out of than it really is. I think nerds (and I do count myself in that number, just to clarify) have a tendency to hype up the “impenetrable mythology”, because it makes them feel like it’s more of an achievement to have mastered it. “Oh,

Can’t agree on the D&D thing. Still play, and now my kids are getting into it too. Everything else = spot on, and you are an American hero for subjecting yourself to this so we don’t have to.

Her quote is so true that it even applies to her!

You may be eligible for a diagnosis of Idontgiveafuckitis.

He was originally trying to get a job with a healthier company, like someone who sells yogurt or something, but sadly for Steve Bannon, there is no Dannon. There is only Juul.

In general, you should start with “at least one unforced, genuine apology that shows a) that you know what you did and why it was wrong, b) that you are sincerely sorry for the hurt you caused, and c) how you intend to make amends and make sure it doesn’t happen again” and see what it gets you. Hart hasn’t done any of

No. You will, however, be called a dipshit for thinking that a six-month vacay followed by a new job by a major competitor for similar salary counts as “negative consequences”. Which I’m sure you’ll equate, because you’re that kind of dumbass.

“While our new supervisor, Vlad Tepes, would never rip open an employee’s throat and feast on their precious blood, he does want to tap previously unharnessed biological resources that have been sadly underutilized by our workforce. We see no reason to believe that he will continue his previous behavior at this new