
I feel the same exact way, but apparently they did a “soft reboot” between Seasons 1 and 2 and everyone starts acting completely different. Leslie Knope becomes a lot more capable and self-aware, Ron becomes a big cuddly teddy bear with a grumpy exterior, they introduce about five new characters and ditch a bunch of

Naw, man, like Fry from Futurama. If he breakdances like that, his crew might just have themselves a new pair of parachute pants.

Likewise, I originally demanded you give me $3000 to set on fire, then piss on. I am now only asking for $300. Clearly, it’s now a bargain and you should accede to my request.

Oh, there are plenty of fifty-year old guys who can be really creepily delusional about their attraction to college girls. Really, as soon as you say the words “half my age”, you are probably in an unhealthy relationship.

I love the title. It sounds like an olde-timey mobster slang term for killing people that’s almost completely fallen out of fashion, but there’s like, three hired killers left who still use it as an inside joke. “Want me to give ‘em the old gunpowder milkshake, boss?”

The real question is, did he fall over, or did he just keep spinning and spinning and spinning?

And whatever you want to say is apparently the stupidest, laziest, most useless fucking pre-chewed bullshit you can come up with. “There’s like bigger issues”? That’s just half-assed trollery. At least if you’re going to try to derail the argument with Whataboutism, fucking pick another topic to try to derail it to.

You’re absolutely right, and this deserves to be shouted from the rooftops. He targets young women because they’re the most likely to lack the kind of life experience that might help them avoid the traps he sets, but the terrible fucking shit he gets up to would not be okay no matter what age they are.

Honestly, if we want to do it properly, we should require a license like we do for driving. “Oh, sorry, you completely failed the ‘treating your partner with respect and caring for their needs’ section of the test. Don’t worry, you can try again next week.”

That’s seriously the best answer you could come up with? A glorified “Nuh-uh, you are”? I’ve given you multiple chances to come up with an alternative to “he said the quiet part loud” as the reason he thought it would be funny to make a joke about wanting to ‘beat the gay’ out of his toddler, and you have come up with

I so want this to be the lowest-rated Presidential address ever. Like, just an utter shrug from the American people. And all day tomorrow, he’ll have to explain why it is that Americans are utterly ignoring him in droves.

That’s... not so much a counter-argument as it is an expansion of the scope of the problem? I mean, given that virtually all of these laws carve out specific exemptions for people very close in age to one another, doesn’t it seem like putting the age of consent at 18 is a good move to prevent sexual predation on

Welfare checks made by police that year did not lead to charges, and all of the women currently living with Kelly are reportedly of legal age (the age of consent in Georgia is 16.)

In other words, the laughter is coming from a place of empathizing with his terror of having a gay son, and with his expressed and stated desire to hurt his child for being gay. Or, to put it more clearly, there is no joke at all. He’s just saying that he will hurt his son if he turns out gay, and he expects you to

I’d also add that unless you plan to stop the practice of trade with Mexico entirely, that wall is going to have access points of some sort in it. Which means that all you’ve done is provide a lucrative source of bribes to the people monitoring those access points.

I didn’t ask whether it was a good joke or a bad joke. I asked what the actual joke was. For example, the joke, “Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!” relies for its humor on the concept that the answer provided is wholly unsatisfactory and mechanistic. Rather than giving the chicken’s

Okay, so please. Explain to us why it’s funny that he threatened to beat his child for “acting gay”. I’m genuinely curious. What was the joke there?

I want her to be an immortal wizard who patrols the boundaries between the known and the unknown like Doctor Strange, fighting off Lovecraftian menaces to reality.

I think maybe on some level that’s why they attack the victims. Like, if you know that it could have been you at any time, for no good reason, just because you happened to catch the eye of a sexual predator, that’s scary “go hide under your bed and never come out shit”. But if it’s their fault, and they did something

“It has come to my attention that people are enjoying things that I, personally, do not enjoy. This kind of absurd behavior must stop immediately. People should find entertainment doing the same kinds of things that I derive pleasure from, or otherwise I might be continually confronted with the knowledge that my