
To any extent that the Kavanaugh hearing was other than a shitshow, it was due to the Democrats like Kamala Harris who recognized that it was an adversarial situation and didn’t, to use your words, “sit down and talk with trusted friend Jeff Flake”. Because Trusted Friend Jeff Flake was more interested in ass-covering

Psst. The Kavanaugh hearings ended with an attempted rapist and serial perjurer being placed on the Supreme Court. Pointing to it as an example of great Democratic leadership in action is exactly the reason why people want to get rid of Democrats like Pelosi in the first place.

“She Bop”, by Cyndi Lauper. 100% about masturbation.

The most famous is Reagan’s attempt to use “Born in the USA” as his campaign song. Springsteen had to explain to him that the lyrics were about someone who was ground up and spit out by the military-industrial complex.

I think there’s a difference between “I’m not familiar with that person” and “Oh, who cares?” There’s really not many people in the sports or entertainment industry that I think deserve that kind of brush-off.

Have you ever thought that the reason millennials and Gen Z don’t work hard is that hard work is no longer rewarded? Used to be that working harder got you a raise, a promotion, access to extra perks and benefits. Now the scumwad middle manager looks at doubled performance and says, “Great, we can employ one less

One thing I think is fascinating about this article is the way it makes you think about the way later writers contributed to the development of a character. Daredevil, as we currently think of the character, is almost unrecognizable in Stan Lee’s wisecracking light-hearted swashbuckler. But Doctor Strange, on the

Stephen King wrote a book about this, right?

For those who haven’t seen this book, it’s a gorgeous piece of design--the distressed dust jacket, clear plastic library cover, and the stickers on it do make it look like something that you’d find in a used bookstore in a small town in Indiana.

In fairness, he was the best part of the movie. He played that weaselly little punk so obnoxiously that not only do you root for him to die, you can still remember his twerpy little smirk decades later. I was watching ‘Beyond Stranger Things’, and the second he smiled, I was just, “Awww, shit! Seriously?”

“See, I really try my best to not shit on something just because I don’t like it. But as it turns out, my best is really lousy.”

Yeah, this one stuck out as really sculpted into the Official Music Biopic Storyline in a lot of ways, which is a real shame. Especially because one of the biggest ways it was altered was in making the straight Freddie more “authentic” and “sweet”, and making the villain of the piece a possessive gay man (and then

I’ll admit, I had very low expectations for it when I heard about it initially; it seemed like another “adaptation in name only” that’s plagued this particular work. But my partner-in-crime urged me to give it a chance (mainly because she wanted to geek out about it with someone) and I’ve been really amazed at the

I think it’s okay if you didn’t notice them and say, “Hmm, that’s a long take,” but there’s a subconscious impression created by a seamless motion of the camera for an extended period without edits. Usually it creates a heightened sense of reality, a feeling of being physically present in the location due to the lack

“Hal Jordan is great at his job, but if he’s not working, he’s miserable.”

Deep Hurting... Deep Hurting...

And frankly, his breasts are not at all fantastic. BLATANT false advertising.

You might also know that the sports team was always shit, but that some homers defended it with any kind of bullshit they could fling to distract people from how bad they were.

“Sit tight, hold the fort, keep the Yule fires burning. And if we’re not back by Merlin.”

“high-pitch voice”