**is now picturing Chris Christie biting through a chicken bone and crushing it to splinters while Trump dies**
**is now picturing Chris Christie biting through a chicken bone and crushing it to splinters while Trump dies**
The last piece of... you think Trump hits his people with a full bucket of KFC? That’s a waste of good chicken.
I’ll admit, this is the question I’m hoping Kamala Harris asks. “You’ve been a lawyer since 1990 and a judge since 2003. In that time, can you recall any case where a defendant has had access to a witness who could provide exculpatory testimony, but chose not to ask them to testify under oath?”
It’s got nothing to do with fear—they simply don’t have any say in it. They can vote to reject him, but there’s nothing the Republican Party can do until this asshole gets to the Senate floor to force Trump to withdraw him from consideration. And Trump won’t do it because admitting that attempted rape is a…
Trump’s got horses, right? I mean, if we’re going full Caligula, let’s get Mister Ed up there opining on Constitutional law!
In principle, I agree with you. The idea of the ‘shared universe’ is kind of a shibboleth of comics, a marketing decision that turned into an unthinkingly codified rule: All Superheroes From the Same Company Must Be Able to Meet. In reality, a lot of our favorite takes on these superheroes have been the “elseworlds”,…
Crimes of sexual violence are the only crimes where the accuser is guilty of perjury until proven innocent.
It would make sense, but a) you can never tell Trump he’s wrong, because it just motivates him to stay the course even harder, and b) admitting that attempted rape is a disqualifier for public office is a non-starter when arguing with Trump. The only way this doesn’t go to at least to a Judiciary Committee vote is if…
Yep. Saying, “I will not talk about what Brett and I did that day because it implicates me in a crime” is all the answer you need from him.
I am not willing to call this nomination dead until the Republicans lose their Senate majority. They have proven to be remarkably resistant to shame, and trying to tell them they should withdraw Kavanaugh’s nomination because it’s the right thing to do is like trying to explain quantum physics to your dog.
That would really tell us everything we needed to know, wouldn’t it?
The Judiciary Committee needs to subpoena Judge and Smyth. She’s named them as witnesses (and one of them as a participant) to the act, and it will be a dereliction of their duty to offer advice and consent if they do not make them testify under oath as to the accuracy of Ford’s testimony.
At an absolute fucking minimum, Judge and Smyth should be subpoenaed to testify. If they don’t do that, the Judiciary Committee will be making it absolutely clear that this is a sham.
It’s hypocritical because the stated standard for police use of force is that they are allowed to use lethal force when in danger. So a policeman will say, “I had a reasonable expectation that I was in danger when I saw that man because I thought he had a gun,” when shooting a black man, even when there was no gun.…
I do think that examining hypocrisy can be a useful tool, but it’s a means to an end, not an end in and of itself. For example, if a policeman shoots a black suspect on sight, but talks a white gunman down and convinces him to surrender his weapon, it’s not the hypocrisy itself that’s important—it’s what that reveals…
Come back to us when Kavanaugh says he did it and apologizes in a meaningful way for the hurt he caused.
You’re absolutely right--and I don’t want to avoid him completely, I definitely want to know what he’s doing to America. I just want to avoid actual footage of the man. :)
Their answer is always going to be, “It’s some other woman, and she probably did something to deserve it.” They will always believe that they are going to escape this kind of treatment until it happens to them directly, and then they will always be shocked that nobody stands up for them even though this time it’s…
Because I don’t have to hear Trump’s voice and while they may have photos, I don’t have to see video footage of his face contorting into that smug, shit-eating grin of his.
Way, way off. December’s way too low—a month with both Christmas and New Year’s should have the #2 spot. September should also be lower, because spring is the best time of the year. And November should be above September because it has a whole day where you do nothing but eat.