I lost interest as soon as I found out that it wasn’t a tour of various Presidential assassination sites, hosted by Sarah Vowell.
I lost interest as soon as I found out that it wasn’t a tour of various Presidential assassination sites, hosted by Sarah Vowell.
This is just awful. My deepest sympathies to you and to anyone else who is experiencing the same kind of resurgent memories due to a similar trauma. Nobody deserves what happened to you or to Ford, and nobody ever deserves to have their sexual assault litigated in the court of public opinion by people who can’t…
Yeah, I have a lot more questions about the Republicans having a letter of non-rapism from 65 women, all signed and ready to launch, than I do about this polygraph test.
This, right here. This is what absolutely sickens me about the defenses of Brett Kavanaugh. There’s not a single one of them that can just say, “He said he didn’t do it and I believe him,” because none of them do believe him. They all know he’s a smirking goddamn sociopath who is fully capable of raping a woman and…
“Black Box Bodycams. Tamper-proof and indestructible. They’ll find the evidence, even if they ignore it because your killer was white!”
1) Jack was in the TARDIS for all of three episodes, one of which was the two-parter where he left. I don’t feel like audiences really had a chance to get used to him before he was written out.
You know who are also vulnerable? McDonalds managers who aren’t exactly economically secure and who wouldn’t do this kind of shit if they thought they would get their underpaid asses fired for it. Let’s stop any kind of talk that leads to throwing up our hands in the air and saying, “Well, it’s such a huge and…
Yeah. It’s really too bad that there isn’t some sort of precedent whereby a Supreme Court justice couldn’t be confirmed immediately before an election because it deprives the American people of their right to weigh in on the matter through the ballot box—
In some degree of fairness to Moffat, he was the first showrunner to canonize the idea that Gallifreyans could change gender when they regenerated, he cast a female version of the Doctor’s oldest enemy, and he showed an on-screen regeneration of a white male Time Lord into a black woman. These were not things that…
I don’t think so. I think we’ll see more of what they’ve been doing—more gerrymandering, more restrictions on voting rights, and more covert alliances with foreign powers to subvert the integrity of the ballot box. They’ll get more and more blatant about it as they need to rely on it more and more to keep themselves…
This. It worries me so much that they’re beginning to realize that “The Republican Party needs to be in charge of the levers of power” and “The Republican Party needs to respect the rule of law and the United States Constitution” are becoming two increasingly incompatible statements. I think that sooner or later, we…
Right there with you on the Castlevania 64 love! I loved going through the castle and being surprised that the weird platform puzzle didn’t seem to have any consequences for falling... only to find out that I had to carry nitro-fucking-glycerin through it and wouldn’t be allowed to jump or take damage. Brutal (and…
Well, with Trump and Moore they didn’t have a choice. They couldn’t remove them from the ballot. They can kick Kavanaugh to the curb whenever they want.
But Trump doesn’t reward loyalty. If you’re loyal to him, that makes you a chump and a sucker that he can exploit. I’d believe ‘quid pro quo’ over ‘well done, thou good and faithful soldier’.
They changed that rule for Gorusch. At this point, I’m fully expecting the GOP to hold some Republican senators at gunpoint if they have to and claim there’s nothing that says they can’t coerce a vote by threat of force.
I used to think that. Now I think they’re working very hard to make the entire concept of “voting” obsolete.
Yeah, but at this point it really feels like they could kick his sleazy ass to the curb, grab literally anyone off their List of Professional Assholes, and say, “Hey, look, we’re really great people for not going with the attempted rapist. Now you need to do us a favor in return.”
I think of all of this, the thing that astonishes me the most is that they’re willing to go to these lengths to defend Brett fucking Kavanaugh. Like, seriously, GOP, throw a rock at any gathering of lawyers and you are likely to find someone just as conservative, just as unprincipled, and probably twice as qualified.…
That’s it, really, isn’t it? He can’t treat this as a valid movement without having to come to grips with his own bullshit, and that’s always the hardest thing to do.
This will all seem so much less important once they graduate from high school.