
They already do all that. There’s no substitute for the “you have to save the BABIES!” line of attack, though. It motivates a lot of people who won’t get out to the polls just to punish gays and minorities. The GOP can’t afford to let those people become complacent about politics.

They said it was someone whose job would be in jeopardy if their identity was discovered. Assuming that’s true, it rules out Pence, who does not serve at the pleasure of the President.

And as always with these things, “extremely rare” cannot be emphasized enough. Like, all of the cases of illegally-cast ballots put together wouldn’t sway the closest Presidential election in American history.

It was polite of you to delete all that stuff in the middle about how happy she was that all the goddamned immigrants were being rounded up and put in camps, though. It really focuses the message on politics the way she intended.

If they overturn Roe, though, how do they whip up hordes of evangelicals into voting Republican to help them overturn Roe? They have to be aware that there’s a very real danger that if they give these idjits what they’ve been demanding for the last forty years, they might start actually paying some fucking attention

Don’t talk about sandwiches around Anakin Skywalker. He can’t stand them.

Yeah, I lay all of the blame for Snoke at JJ’s feet. He was ultimately never going to be able to differentiate himself from the Emperor, and any time spent trying to give him a unique hook would essentially just have been dumping energy into a black hole of boredom. Snoke was a concept from whom no audience interest

That’s definitely been a common thread this year. Feels like Kaep has caused every goddamned white asshole who ever watched a football game to develop a bad case of verbal diarrhea about their attitudes toward black people.

I’m in a long-distance relationship with a woman who has absolutely fallen in love with Boston. Like, hearts in her eyes every time she talks about her adopted home city, all that.

The TV show is!

It is your actions and your own choices that create your version of Facebook, but I don’t think it’s your actions and your choices that made Facebook strip-mine your personal information that they promised they would keep private and sell it to Russian oligarchs. Let’s not suggest that the company’s ludicrously amoral

Jameela Jamil... I don’t want to say she could not get any more awesome, because I’m sure she’s going to (if nothing else, Season Three of ‘The Good Place’ premieres soon). But this is really wonderful stuff and I admire her so much.

Several years too late, honestly. :)

Now Krull was the glaive, right?

“In August 2016, Universal Cable Productions acquired the rights to create a television series. Martin stated that the development was in early stages and that the production was working on choosing characters and stories to adapt. Because of his exclusivity contract with HBO, which airs Game of Thrones based on

Excellent! The Democrats need to stop being the party of White People Helping Minorities and start becoming a truly progressive, multicultural coalition. This is great news and I’m very happy for Ayanna Pressley and the people she’ll be representing.

“How do they treat a strange dog?”, “How do they treat a strange child?”, and “How do they treat the waitstaff?” The three absolutely essential questions for determining someone’s moral character.

Yeah, ‘Futurama’ had Fry as the impressionable Everyman, with Leela as the (metaphorical) angel on one shoulder and Bender as the devil on the other. Here, Bean is basically Bender, with Elfo as Fry and Luci as Ultra-Bender, and it’s really hard not to feel like the whole show is skewed toward unpleasantness as a

I wonder if Woodward deliberately named the book that knowing that most URLs won’t accept colons, rendering the title “Fear Trump in the White House”.

The Twin Cities, at least, are very multi-cultural these days; my kid is majority-minority in his class, there’s a Muslim cultural center and a Sikh temple within walking distance of my suburban house, and we have an Asian grocery store and a halal grocery store within two blocks of us. Certainly once you get out past