
I went to Panchero’s this weekend, thinking, “Oh, it’s a burrito place. Probably just like Chipotle.” I came out with my eyes doing that little star-emoji thing, and I will see Chipotle burn to smoldering ruins so that Panchero’s can dance in its ashes.

They don’t care. The Republican party has realized that they don’t have to come up with a lie that’s believable, internally consistent, or even one that isn’t directly contradicted by video--they just need to give the tribe something to hang their denial on, and it’ll work because we’re well into the “cult mentality”

I don’t know that I’d agree with that assertion entirely—Bush at War was pretty sympathetic, but you can tell that by the time he got to State of Denial, he was pretty well convinced that W was an empty-headed cheerleader who assumed his subordinates would just work everything out amongst themselves, and that everyone

Man, Cruz is having a tough time with this campaign. WHYYYYY is GAHD persecuting him?

He sounds terrible and you sound better off without him.

Absolutely. He’s by no means perfect, but he has spilled enough tea on powerful people to know that if you give them any excuse to call you a liar, they will do it.

Woodward talked to the guy who invented ratfucking. He’s not going to get thrown by anyone’s bullshit anymore.

He’s Bob fucking Woodward. If he put it in a book, he can defend it. This guy has gotten the inside scoop on every presidency since Nixon, and his books have a stamp of authenticity that nobody else can match.

At worst, he lost every other case. As soon as Perry Mason tricked someone into confessing in the middle of the courtroom, he immediately turned around and charged them with an airtight murder case. :)

I love butter emails on freeze peach.

Let’s not get too generous with the “too much integrity” part. Sessions isn’t recusing himself from the decision-making process because he’s a noble and honorable citizen, he’s recusing himself because he was involved in the Trump campaign and he’d be in a lot of legal jeopardy if he obstructed an investigation into

So when my son isn’t allowed to go to the fucking bathroom, I should just “stop getting bitchy about it”? Fuck you sideways, you useless sack of shit. I have no patience for people like you who view the fundamental dignity of their fellow human being as one of those things we can get to later, like it’s an optional

We pay some fucking attention to what the Republicans are doing in America right now. You should try it.

Constitutional scholars are of the opinion that the sections of the Constitution dealing with the removal of the President from office strongly imply that only Congress can deal with crimes a President has committed, not the judicial system. Once so removed, a President could then be prosecuted and tried for those

You’re right. Dylann Roof, as horrible as his actions were, is extremely limited in the scope of harm he can cause. The Republican Party is able to cause a lot more suffering.

“All Things in Moderation... Especially Moderation”

Let me put it this way: If you gave someone five bucks, and they immediately put it to paying for Dylann Roof’s lawyer, would you give them another five bucks?

“Are the Jaguars ever going to win the Super Bowl?”

Wilson was before Hoover.

Yep. And you just know the reason he sorta-kinda-not-exactly-but-totally fired McGahn is because McGahn keeps telling him things he doesn’t want to hear about firing Sessions and the word “no” gives Trump a sad-micro-boner.