
“Look at all those people saying that if Ava DuVernay turns down a white dude, he has a vast soical network of contacts willing to give him more chances than he deserves based solely on his gender and the color of his skin, whereas women have fewer opportunities to start with and need the playing field leveled to

NK Jemisin once said, “The problem is, we live in a society which — due to the fact that racism is our status quo — treats calling someone a racist as worse than doing something racist. The only way to repair that society is to stop accepting that status quo, and call racism what it is when we see it. I am personally

Because ultimately, the old saw “it’s funny because it’s true” has some accuracy to it. Great comedy, especially great topical comedy, ultimately works because it exposes some vein of deeper meaning behind the superficial wit. Conservatives can’t manage this, because they’re (to be blunt) mendacious, meretricious


Seconded! I picked up the book after seeing the movie, and WOW did they do a good job of turning a piece of shit into an excellent movie. Like, there’s maybe a tiny sliver of a good concept in there, and they winnowed the book all the way down to that little bit of creativity and then re-expanded it to a full film.

The owl theory isn’t insane. There are plenty of documented cases of owls swooping and striking human beings, and they produced lacerations consistent with Kathleen Peterson’s injuries.

As my dad said, “The thing about draining the swamp is that you tend to see the same old slime all over again.”

So wait. Netflix will give anyone the money to make a TV show, based solely on the rationale that hey, nobody has to watch it? SWEET!

Ahahahahahaha! I get it! Because he had parents who named him that, and he didn’t change it! AHAHAAAAAAAAHAHAHA! Oh man. Next do people’s last names. Really work hard at making them ashamed of not going in front of a judge and abasing themselves for not disassociating themselves from their families over it!

Yes, that is in fact the joke I was making, that Donald Trump has come to believe that a pardon is just some way of getting his cronies out of trouble while pissing off liberals, and nobody can get through to him to explain otherwise. Would you like to follow up by telling everyone that the chicken must have some

The key to understanding the First Order is that they don’t have an ideology, they have an aesthetic. Their goals are simply to hold and accumulate power because it makes them feel powerful to be powerful—all of their designs, from their weaponry to their ships to their uniforms, are designed to fulfill the emotional

The classic difference between Democrats and Republicans: Democrats say, “Government is broken, vote for me and I’ll fix it” while Republicans say, “Government is broken, vote for me and I’ll prove it”.

Trump’s already writing up his pardon.

“Someone is going to buy his proposal, the question is how much will they pay given the legal issues he faces.”

His lawyers are probably telling him that firing Sessions to replace him with someone who will fire Mueller is obstruction of justice on the face of it, and so he’s just trying to make life so miserable for the guy that he quits.

I’m at the degree of ‘over Joss Whedon’ where I actually look back at the stuff of his I used to like and think, “How did I miss all the awfulness of this?”, so I’m taking a hard pass here.

Oh God. The ‘Shore Leave’ episode, where everyone’s fantasies come to life and suddenly a samurai shows up for Sulu to fight...poor George Takei. He did what he could, but there was just a bottomless well of white privilege behind the scenes on that show.

That is totally my reaction, too! I saw that there was a trailer out and went, “Huh! I guess that wasn’t just some studio exec’s coked up fever dream, then.”

Anyone bumping up the prices of their dish by $10 and blaming a change in the laws that forces them to pay their employees a living wage is lying to you and pocketing the difference between the raise in wages and the raise in prices. You probably shouldn’t go there, because if the owner is willing to lie to you about

Oh GOD no. No, no no no no. I watched the original ‘Trek’ with my girlfriend, and we noped out after about a season and a half because it was just non-stop horrifying misogyny. I mean, if you’re talking the franchise as a whole, it does get better, but ‘Trek’ itself is just the worrrrrrrst.