
The “poo splashback” doesn’t come when you poop into the water, it comes when you flush the toilet. I know it looks like it all swirls down, but the effect of adding water to the bowl causes a spray of tiny droplets that are all carrying a mix of water and urine and feces, and it can go as far as ten feet.

The only way to know for sure is if there’s a rematch without the Stones. As I say, every wielder of the Power Gem in the comics has been able to use it to give themselves limited physical strength, so it’d certainly be in keeping with the source material if he used it to power up for the Hulk fight.

Yes, Russia is behind the Internet wanting you to like bacon. But secretly...Bacon is behind the Internet wanting you to like Russia wanting you to like bacon! We’re through the looking glass here, people.

It lights up when he does big energy blasts. If he was using it to boost his own strength, it might be too subtle to notice. Certainly in the comics, both Drax the Destroyer and the Champion of the Universe used the stone to boost their physical strength to impossible levels (Thanos considered it to be one of the most

Thanos had the Power Stone when he curbstomped the Hulk. I don’t think he could have taken him without it.

No, what would best serve the public interest is if a President no longer mentally competent to execute the duties of the office stepped down or was removed by the Cabinet, which is why there’s a specific provision in the Constitution for removing the President in that situation.

Unfortunately, all of the issues featuring Redacted were removed from continuity.

“I don’t care what Donald Trump thinks, I’m throwing a woman under the bus for something she didn’t do for my own reasons! That makes me a hero, okay? A hero who lambasts women for doing things they didn’t do, which also makes me a feminist! You can’t be a true feminist if you don’t attack women like I do, in a way

The obesity is a red herring. What people are concerned with is that the President has dementia, and I would argue that it is in the public’s best interest to have that disclosed.

Are you seriously, this far into a thread of shrieking yourself into one foaming-at-the-mouth incoherent rant after another about how everyone here is misogynist, correctly understanding a situation you didn’t bother to educate yourself on before talking...going to accuse other people of lacking nuance?

“When did I insinuate that I thought Wolf was the type of person to make fun of someone else’s appearance? I mean, sure, in literally the next sentence that I typed, but where ELSE?”

“I haven’t sought to silence women! I’ve merely said and done things in direct support of those who are engaged in that exact activity! When I derail a conversation into another, entirely unrelated topic based on my complete, uninformed misunderstanding of the situation, attempting to steer it back on-topic is sexism,

“I don’t know how siding with the people trying to silence women’s voices is somehow ‘unfeminist’, sheesh. Just because I’m standing with Donald Trump in saying that a woman who spoke truth to power should shut up and giving a reason that’s patently bullshit and not supported by the facts, and in fact is the exact

“The things I say are other people’s fault! Throwing a woman under the bus for something she didn’t do in order to score feminism points is a feminist action because I wasn’t actually using body-shaming insults at the time!”

“The principle of feminism is still important! So important that I’m going to throw a woman under the bus for something she didn’t even do in order to defend it!”

“Nobody should be body-shamed!”

I think that a black woman is always going to get more shit for doing the exact same thing a white man did. Always.

My thoughts:

I think it’s worth making a distinction between being hurt and the way we respond to that feeling. I can agree with you that Reid is doing more good than harm in her current position and that she shouldn’t be removed from the public spotlight that she uses to great effect, while still feeling personally hurt that her

The problem is, that’s also misleading. GWTW has been re-released several times over the decades, so its box office totals are in their own way every bit as artificially inflated as Avengers or Star Wars. Plus, there wasn’t as much competition for the box office dollar back then. It’s not like it really matters,