
I always kind of feel like the “oh, but this would be so confusing to a newcomer” thing is oversold. There are a lot of superheroes, many if not most of whom people have at least heard of even if they don’t go to many of these movies, and they’re trying to keep the big purple guy from killing a lot of people with

I’m sorry, we’ll be sensitive of your special snowflake feelings and not use the word ‘homophobic’ around you anymore. We’ll just substitute the more accurate “bigoted, repugnant asshole”. Better?

“Goddammit, what are you people doing thinking about a movie and engaging with its message? WATCH THE PRETTY FUCKING LIGHTS FOR TWO HOURS, YOU ASSHOLES! Anything else is literally taking a shit in the director’s fucking mouth!”

They’ll do those contortions, though. Maybe not every one of them, but I guarantee you that all those “pro-life” motherfuckers sing a very different tune when it’s one of them dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. I had a co-worker who was as pro-life as they come, and she suggested an abortion to the woman who her son

Joker for President?

Speaking as someone who writes erotica that (attempts to, at least) have a plot and a point of view, I’m fully in favor of this and I’m glad it’s succeeding.

Because part of what he gets off on is that they’re genuinely unwilling and he can do it anyway. It’s sick and I don’t understand it (and I pray that I never will) but someone who voluntarily agreed to be roofied by him wouldn’t give him the same sick thrill.

Maybe you should bring those other people up in a conversation about those other people, instead of trying to derail this conversation about Bill Cosby. Who thoroughly deserves the consequences he is receiving for his predatory actions, just in case it wasn’t clear.

And Khan is dead and we’re all actually in the afterlife.

Honestly, the thing that made me happiest about the interview was hearing that he hated even pretending to be a sleazebag to women. Glad to hear he’s the class act we all hoped he would be!

I think it’s because a lot of guys have a deep understanding of “I fucked up and I’m sorry, please forgive me” because all human beings fuck up and want forgiveness, but not many guys have a deep understanding of what it’s like to be a victim of sexual harassment or assault.

I thought you were saying the killer in Toronto was going to be a guest on Charlie Rose’s new show. Which, given the awfulness of the idea, he might as well be...

Yes, but the real reason for undoing all the things Obama did is, “ICKY, MINORITIES!” so I really just skipped a few steps. :)

Oh. In that case, GOD no. They’d just say that she showed her true colors as a lying liberal (woman), and that all it proves is that you can’t trust liberals (or women who are also women). Chill Girls like that are only respected insofar as they parrot the message that white conservatives want to hear.

They have. They’ve flipped 38 seats since Trump’s election, before we’ve even gotten to the midterms. They haven’t won every single contest, because nobody’s ever going to do that, but there’s a whole lot of actual victories to celebrate along with the moral ones.

Yes, because even for Republicans, the supply of money to run election campaigns is not unlimited. If they have to spend money on races where they used to cruise to victory unopposed, they may not have the money to spend on tight races, which flips those seats from red to blue.

Probably some. Not mine, but yes, there are always people who will use apparent contrition as an excuse to avoid examining something that makes them feel awkward. That is what it would take, though. You can’t get off the highway without paying the toll here.

I’m pretty sure that this falls under the 14th Amendment, equal protection under the law. The President can end a program with an executive order that was created by an executive order, but not if doing so has discriminatory intent as that would violate the constitutional rights of the people who were protected by the

I’d agree with you if not for the sketchy guy they brought in who has a track record of taking the money and running.

Yeah, a lot of those toy designers felt like people I wouldn’t want to sit next to on an airplane (the guy who invented Skeletor, for example). But a good documentary is going to get that kind of thing out in the open, and I was glad that they let the She-Ra designers give their rebuttal to that particular shitty