John Rivers

This happened when he was 14yo. Trust me people, there will come a time when white people will claim that if they can’t quote lyrics, then all lyrics with the n-word should be banned. You heard it here first. Trust me we are digging a grave at the bottom of a slippery slope.

We want to mad at trump for everything. Fine, where is the story accusing obama when over 100 unarmed black men were shot in 2015 and 40 in 2016. Where was the outrage then. This is fake outrage. The writer is trying to aggrandize her story by blaming trump. The problem is real, accusing rump is not going to solve

MFs are mad cause the show is good, got good ratings and she likes trump! WTF, it is just a TV show people. How about instead of talking about a TV shoe you actually do something useful. Go outside and scream at the sky!

Yeah, we got 70% single parent household, and all the Root can talk about is the affair of two white people. All to bring the writer joy. Yeah, this is why we follow the root, for the hard hitting, stories that affect POC! SMMFH!

This article is pure BS. I’m latino, grew up in Harlem. Some of you MF are racist AF! I married a black woman and all I got was racist remarks from black people. I was called a spic and compared to slave owners stealing black women. Yeah, fuck you root, some you you are racist as any other ignorant fuck out there.

How the fuck does any of this connect to trump. Spanish, hispanic, south american and caribbean people (includes jamaica, trinidad etc.) are some of the most racist people. Why are you acting like this is new.

Another hard hitting article that supports or benefits the black community. WTF Root!

As long as she keeps ge4tting free publicity for not doing shit and doing stupid shit, she will continue doing stupid shit. The Root and other media outlets have played right into her game!

The BS that passes for art is farcical. The articles that you write about it are even more farcical. I mean really this is what you think is somehow remotely useful to the black community! WTF! This is a reach even for you ROOT!

That loud *POP* you heard is your head coming out of your ass. WTF, where have you been for the last three months!

POC will def survive. The shit we been through has us ready for anything. Well except the zombie apocalypse.

Not wrong, learn some geopolitical facts before you speak. Every country in the world has the right to deny entry to anyone for any reason. This is why there is no outcry or resolution from the UN. We are not the exception here. Not sure what people are upset about. This is normal.

Every country has the right to deny entry to anyone for any reason. There is no need to explain this. It is common across the world. The govt hasn’t done anything wrong here. The fact that crybaby ass liberals don’t like it, doesn’t make it wrong.

LiAngelo left the school, he is an adult, it is his call whether to stay in school or drop out.

This confirms it, you’ve run out of shit to write about. You’re actually talking about trump going to the bathroom. WTF!

I’m probably going to be blocked by the Root again but fuck it.

Yes, put all the blame on the school and none on the parents of the students. WTF.

Sellouts. The NFL like every other corp, they throw money at the problem hoping it goes away.

Where are the men in this girl’s life. they are supposed to protect her against this shit! A guy was dating my daugther; he refused to believe the relationship was over. I was overseas. I left my job, looked him up, looked him in the eye and told him “this is the only conversation I’m having on this issue, my daughter

This is ridiculous people, it is a song. If you don’t want people to sing it then don’t put it in your song. You think this song would have as much as it has if only black people bought it? Time we got over ourselves POC!