John Rivers

I don’t want to be anyplace where I’m not wanted. Fuck Deco, Bubba and Becky can have it. 

This should surprise no one, she didn’t even want him to run. I’m pretty sure she had her bags packed by the door the entire last year her husband was in office. She ain’t interested, she’s done enough, let her enjoy her life.


This isn’t really shade. This is just flipping the bird.

Do you seriously not remember the Cavaliers before they got Lebron? Lebron can’t ruin a team that was ruined before he was born.

Why do people try to act like using chalk to write on buildings and sidewalks is akin to spray painting shit? They do know that chalk washes away when it rains right?

How about simply not abusing children and not shoplifting. Isn’t that so much easier?

This is literally nothing. Anyone with half a brain wouldn’t make anything out of any of this. If this is the “worst” dirt anyone can find? well it’s no dirt at all.

Another day. Another group of people coming along, not leaving the Obamas alone.

(Fig. 1) A graphic representation of the number of fucks I give about this book that describes how the 22 year old Obama did shit a 22 year old does.

Just to be clear, in case anyone is wondering why the Tennessee Legislature was honoring a Louisiana pastor in the first place:

This sort of thing has happened before, which leads me to wonder if these people read the fucking bills they vote on.

I fully support the ending of racism. I find the N-word to be universally offensive, regardless of who uses it.

“body positive” and obesity have no place together. Body positive has become the new “I’m fat and tired of trying, so now I love myself”.

True atonement would be allowing the descendants of slaves in this country go to the school for free. That’s ensuring that they would actually enrich the lives of the black kinfolk of slaves.

That baby is black, blackity, black. That kids mother is in store for a rude awakening. Haitian and Puerto Rican fool he black.

Yeah I don’t get the idea that he did something noble by supposedly killing himself to take care of her, why not plead guilty and save money from all those attorneys fees I am sure he had defending those cases.

“Cops is at my door. They looking for me right now. They about to arrest me ... I’m about to get arrested, they’re about to lock me up. Tune in, tune in, tune in,” Chandler told his Facebook Live audience.

She was “killed in the exchange” - ??? She fired back? That’s an “exchange of gunfire.” Did I get this wrong? Did she fire back?? 

And yes, committing green card and insurance fraud are serious crimes. So were hiding Jews in your attic or slaves in your basement.