John Rivers

IS this the one that gets him. Please, why is this even news. He won’t be the first politician to have an out of wedlock child. What a waste of time!

Sorry, but the show with michael, was bad. I watched the first few shows and couldn’t continue to support it. The show was cancelled due to ratings.

Looks like sharapova marketed herself outside of tennis while serena concentrated on her game. Nothing more, nothing less. That is not on the tennis association, that is on the sponsors!

Way off. Not one conversation of tennis can be had without talking about serena. I understand you’re despondent about jemell, but take your meds please! Serena is the face of tennis till she decides she doesn’t want to play anymore!

Blacks have votes for dems for the last fifty years. Name the top three improvements dems have made in black people’s lives!

Aside from oppression, genocide and stealing land, it’s their greatest gift to humanity”

To be clear, none of this is illegal. Private nightclubs in South Carolina are allowed to essentially discriminate at will” So why are we reading about it. Is there a call from black people wanting into this club? I lived in SC for many years and the fact is many clubs are private and members only. This way they can

Can we talk about why that is?” Maybe inst4ead of having a planned parenthood in every black neighborhood we should tell our elected officials we need mental health institutions? Obviously catering to a minority of people who need abortions is more important than catering to the entire community! Also, seems it is

We’re here because the root is supposed to provvide us information relevant to the black community, not thsi BS. People are allowed to comment even if you don’t like it. This is BS, and WTF is up with the black face or is is just a face since it is on a black person?

Instead of scoffing at this why not suport it. We want prison reform becase the current system disproportionately affects us. Any attention given to this should be met with open arms. Yet here is the root making light of it. I guess we can only accept reform if it comes from people we like. Where is the CBC, naacp,

Under obama’s sec of ed, we fell from 28th to 35th place in world education ranking. That was a huge failure, yet not once was he called out on it. Guess we have standards but they are double standards!

WTF is wrong with people. There is so much content on netflix you don’t have to watch whatever obama is in. I know I won’t be watching it cause I don’t care about any former POTUS or what they have to say. They are now in it for the money, nothing more. Which is fine but I watch netfix for entertainment not political

Bullshit! This is how black people talked to me growing up in harlem during the 60-70's. Don’t blame trump, black people are just as racist as anyone else.

sorry, this is how black people talked to me growing up in harlem during the 60-70's. Don’t blame trump, black people are just as racist as anyone else. This is a terrible article ROOT., you should be ashamed of the fear and hate mongering.

Comparing everything to slaver needs to stop. So far people have compared slavery to star athletes who get everything they want, gay people fighting for the right to marry, illegal immigrants who were deported. But far worse to me is that there isn’t enough pushback from black people, especially our leaders in

Agree, so tired of people comparing shit to slaver. Annual tuition at Duke is about $60,000. I guess that isn’t enough compensation.

I really can’t take you serious when you use stupid terms like wakanda house!


What “street” did ran grow up in. That was not street talk! Even if it is street talk why is it bad? Is there anything we aren’t offended by black people? I mean cmon!

Why is it everytime a black person thinks differently theyare self hating? We’ve supported the dems for decades and this is what we’ve got: