John Rivers

Dear BLM< you do realize many Christians find the term “xmas” offensive? Might want to consider this next time you start a campaign.

Sadly she isn’t a regular person because of who her parents are. But if I had to give her advice, I’d say, you be you, enjoy your time in school. Your dad and mom can handle this BS, they’ve been through much worse and handled it.

Actions have consequences, good and bad. He needs to learn that.

It has never been about veterans, nor about protesting the anthem. The problem is that the optics, mainly set forth by the media, makes it look like they are protesting the flag and the anthem. Now, we may not like or believe it, but many people are patriotic and don’t like even the perception of disrespect for the

Black people are only 12% of the population in america yet account for 30% of abortions since roe v wade. Do we believe this is a coincidence or by design?


How about a followup article, they caught a suspect in case!

They are morons. To be clear, I’m not good with the school or any part of the govt getting involved in something that happened away or outside the school. This is a bad precedent. If it can happen to white people that means it will be way worse for POC. Just sayin. We already have enough bullshit thrown at us, if they

Yeah, this happened on obama’s watch and no one blamed him, WTF, the people of Flint need real solutions not hate filled rants that serve no one. Sorry, I’m all for hating on trump but this is not on him, it falls squarely on obama!

Yeah, when we allow censorship in any form, we are headed down a bad path!

All great points. But here is why I care about black on black crime. I don’t live in a MFing white area, I live in a black area, so don’t really GAF about w on w crime, it won’t affect me. I bet most black people live in black areas so it does affect them.

Scam. people use this as an excuse to keep their pets with them everywhere. Then they act like they can’t be without them for five minutes (going to the bathroom).

I’m conflicted: should I support america or the NK communist dictator who oppresses his citizens, fired missiles near japan and threatened to blow up guam!

Real alphas don’t advertise, everyone will know it. As for your dude, he just wasn’t into you any more but couldn’t be honest with you so he made up some BS about you being too strong. Here’s why that is BS, no one wants the weakest people on their team.

Don’t thay have to be chartered to be a frat on campus? What makes you think the pres doesn’t already know. The problem is that all we have is conjecture and inuendo, no solid evidence. Only POC get convicted or killed without evidence!

Really, blaming white flight as one of the reasons for detroit’s issues. Not one mention of the corrupts politicians that brought the city down. Everywhere we look we see the same shit in our neiborhoiods. Drugs and drug dealing by us to us. Lack of education. Lack of family unity. No mentoring our young people to

We have to send a clear message, Just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay.

I think you can buy that at the trump store!

Wishing death upon someone is reprehensible. I expect better from the root. This makes us no better than all the idiots who wished the death of Obama!