John Rivers

FYI, when a municipality pays for a stadium it is because our elected officials voted and approved it. The NFL is a business and will take any free money they can get that will help their bottom line.

This map is BS theory and conjecture. Not one credible person will stand one hundred percent behind this snake oil shit. The sky is falling!!!!!

The Root reports on issues important to POC. If this was a white student beating u a black teacher there would be hell to pay. The outrage would be unmeasurable!

Yeah, that’s the problem, he must have had a reason for his actions! WTF? On top of that the other students laugh as if this is a comedy scene? WTF is wrong with young people today. If this is out future we’re in bad shape!

Your a respected journalist representing POC. You can’t make a statement like “The whole “pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon” is nothing that I have ever heard chanted at a Black Lives Matter demonstration...” Then back down by saying it only happened once. The fact is that it happened and peope are going to use it

What did this idiot expect interview a racist? She got what she wanted, national press coverage. Also, please remember, to them latinos are just “bilingual niggers”!!

The relationship was in a downward sprial for a long time. But this person chooses to blame trump. Get a clue. You hate your mother because she has a different opinion than you. Not once have you said she has made any overt action to indicate hate on her part. It was all about how you felt, how it made you look. In

A young girl is murdered and all you can do is further your political agenda. Stay classy. So sad for her and her family.

They thought igt was a good idea because they knew media like the Root would give them free publicity. This is what they do. They make money for doing nothing except getting in the news and you helped.

If we’re so bad, then they shouldn’t want or need our help! Who cares what we do or think in regards to cuba!

Aww, did i hurt your feelings by stating facts? I’m sorry. Next time i’ll lie to you. Go find a safe space to suck your thumb you cock holster cunt.

Conservatives are hateful? So who was it that rioted, assualted people, committed arson and vandalism after trump won? Who rioted, assaulted people, commited arson and vandalism during the inauguration? Who rioted, assaulted people, commited arson and vandalism in order to keep conservatives from speaking at berkely

At what point do you tell your citizens to be alarmed. I mean two attacks in as many weeks in England, I think it is time to be alarmed. WTF!

Root, a whole story about the atrocities comitted by boko haram and you failed to mention their affiliation, ideology or why they’re killing people. Shabby reporting.

So three countries aren’t signed up with the paris accord, and that will result in an apocalypse. Seems to me that the accord is a failure with or without us. Also, once again obama left us hanging. He should have run this through congress. By using his executive order he made it easy for trump to back out.

Stupid men, stop your pussy ass whining. Boycott the theaters, that will show them.

so much hate for Obama, for no reason. this bitch is just crazy, stop giving her a platform!

As long as we have the “no snitch” rule nothing will change.

At no point did I indicate or imply that men dont lie, your words.

Despicable! Ladies chose your sex partners carefully. Make sure they know how you feel about having children. If not you open yourself up to horrible men who have no respect for you.