John Rivers

Fantastic job, congrats to her for her hard work and dedication.

Three MF years, WTF!!! Why wasn’t Flint called a disaster and gotten FEMA money on day one to fix this.

The only people that were duped are the people who voted for these morons. How can you get duped by a bill? Well that’s what happens when you don’t read stuff you are going to vote on! SMMFH. Your article should be on how stupid these “black Tenn lawmakers” are. Every news media should be exposing them for their

Hate for no reason. Obama did his job, well I may add. Now it is his turn to do what he wants. Not hurting one person by making money for speaking, yet people’s heads are exploding. SMMFH!!!!!

Sorry but I thought this was a Beastie Boys reunion! Or maybe they’re copying Eminem! Get over folks, much ado about nothing. It was a harmless pic!

Haven’t been this moved to sadness by an article in a very long time. Please people, let your children know how much you love the, how much their life means. That there is nothing they can do to change that, and that you’ll forever be there for them.

using Bland and Browder in the same sentence as Hernandez is shameful. He was a murderer, they were innocent and didnt deserve what happened to them. Your better than that Root; at least I thought you were.

Great piece! Will file this one away to review and use for morons who tell me “white privilege is a myth”. Thanks you.

POC this is a problem. Every group that is insulted tries to compare their plight with that of slaves or the civil rights. The LBGT did it, illegal immigrants did, refugees did it and now this BS. When we let people get away with it, all it does is minimize the horrendous treatment of slaves and the courage of the

We’re already at war in Afghanistan, no need to go through congress every time we drop a bomb.

people, what exactly do you think war is? Short definition, during war you break shit and kill people.

Yikes, WTF. I knew about redistricting, but this is eye opening. Why isn’t this discussed more. Most redistricting I’ve heard about is done under the guise of “it will be better for our district” claims. If more people know about this they’re less likely to just let them redistrict without a fight. This is disturbing

I know for a fact that wasteful indulgence over the last 30years has contributed to climate change. Like I said we recycled everything we could. Now almost nothing is recycled, unless you can make a profit from it!

Ok, I didn’t say get rid of it, just think that 100K is a high amount, maybe limit it to 50K. Also, it si going to go up over the next few years. I lived in NY when they almost went broke because of irresponsible spending like this.

Nice of you to attack “old people who don’t give a shit because they won’t be here” So a little education. I’m 60yo. Growing up we recycled everything, bottles, cans, paper bags etc. Nothing was wasted. Then as I grew older came the now generation, they had to have it and have it now. Everything became disposable so

For the records israelis are already banned in at least sixteen muslim countries, yet no one seems to have an issue with that.

Read it and weep people. this is where we’re headed. Soon an insult will mean jail time in the U.S.

Seriously Root, you running out of bad shit to say about Trump! I mean really; “...a well-researched and reported investigative piece...” WTF, did they just find the missing link. More like pathetic reporting on a non-issue that a middle schooler could have written about. SMMFH!

Yes, tell that to Gabrielle Giffords.

I was a financial counselor for young people in my organization. Every time someone said “I need a raise, I can’t make it on what they pay me” I found the problem was their spending habits. Most people put their wants before their needs or their wants on the same level as their needs which is a problem. Also, if you