John Rivers

I like Carson, even defended him when someone called him stupid and ignorant for his relationship with Trump. Now I have to go find that person, apologize and tell them they were right. SMMFH.

Tell that to the Civil War!

people who include their children when engaging in illegal activities are despicable parents. Stop blaming America for these people’s horrible decisions. I don’t care what situation you’re in, including your children in dangerous activities is despicable. Then trying to get sympathy because of your children is even

SNL is not funny anymore. They get a few laughs and a few new viewers, by making fun of Trump, his family and his associates. They are done. Not sure why they aren’t cancelled.

So illegally entering the country is, guilty!

Entering a country illegally is a crime. not sure why you want it to be ignored. Most countries have a rules about illegal immigrants, this isn’t unique to America. Why is the rest of the world vilifying us for something they all do?

yes, let’s disown or ostracize people because they don’t follow the zombie like, lemming mentality. Sage steel has made it in what was a predominantly male (actually, white male) dominated field. Instead of being used as an example for other young black women, she is continually ridiculed. I guess we should want all

SMMFH. There is no activity safe for POC.

The National Drug Control Policy and the NEA don’t need govt funding. first the NDCP is a failure, so why keep it. Second the NEA isn’t providing a useful service. Let’s cut the fat.

How can we take a “journalist” serious if he runs from opposing views? Scahill, as a journalist your job is to report the news, not make the news!

Please someone tell them how stupid they sound!

POC don’t care. The Root article about Santana’s Beyoncé comment had your readers going crazy in the comments section. Also, a wonder story about 12yo Marley Dias, a very positive story, went without comments. Yet children being killed and very little outrage. SMMFH!

Arne Duncan was Obama’s SoE. Under Duncan, according to the OECD, the U.S. fell in the world ranking in math from 28th to 35th, we also fell in reading and science. Yet at no time did anyone protest him nor did any media do slam pieces on him. I guess failure under Obama was expected.

To be fair, if her detail had pushed aside the protesters we would be reading a whole other story; am I right?

OK, rather that spout off your BS rhetoric, why not just tell us: Who freed the slaves? Don’t just say something is wrong and then not provide the right answer. Go ahead, you have the stage!

You know who cares about murder rates, people who want to make a problem not look like a problem. For example, in 2016 St Louis had 188 murders, Chicago had 716; 13 of those murders were kids under the age of 12; 142 between the ages of 13-19. Chicago doesn’t even make the list of the top thirty cities in murders. So

POC two questions:

I see a lot of commenters calling the YR and milo, Nazis. Remember, the nazis always shut down, shouted down or beat down any opposing views. So actually the liberals at Berkeley are acting like nazis.

This is anti free speech. if you don’t want to hear what he has to say don’t attend. Why destroy property to get your point across. Shutting down any speech is anti free speech. Sorry we can’t have free speech only for people who agree with you. that’s what the Nazis did.

So exactly what have the dems done to improved Chicago?