John Rivers

Fair enough. name me the top five beneficial things dems have done for POC people. Keep in mind that POC have overwhelmingly supported dems. What have we gotten for our staunch support?

WTF does any of this have to do with mecca?

To be clear, the oppression of women, slave labor and death penalty for LGBT is common in several muslim countries. So why are we protesting to have more muslims come here?


So nothing in the meeting about taking in refugees. All they could do is slam the US for not taking in any more. You would think that between the 53 of them they could come up with a solution that would help their members. Pathetic!

Dear ESPN, I watch your shows to get sports. If I want to hear political discourse, why even bother watching anything you have to say. We already know you’re a completely liberal organization. I guess ESPN stands for ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS POLITCAL NEWS.

WTF, the case ruined her life. A young man was murdered and hse lied to defend the murderers. SMMFH!

Why havent you mentioned that the registry was in effect the last 15 years and that Obama closed it out in his last month before leaving office. If this registry is wrong it should have been wrong while Obama was in office.

Goddess, why because after 15 years she wants to make this an issue!!!

Again the registry was open the entire time Obama was president, why didn’t the ACLU challenge it then??? Don’t donate shit to the ACLU. They’ve had 15 years to challenge this and now they want to ride on the hate for Trump to make money and of course you useful idiots will fall right along.

The registry was open while Obama was president, why didn’t you sign up then? Maybe you should sign up for the hypocrite registry!

One more thing for all to know:

Wow. no comments. Nothing. no one calling for any heads to roll. Yet last week when someone wore black face your commenters exploded with fury and demanded action on the part of a college administration. Yet here POC are getting killed an not one comment demanding action. POC we sure do have our priorities straight

So 11 September 2001, wasn’t enough of a catastrophe to get people’s head out of their ass?

This is where we draw a line? POC, we have songs that degrade our women and talk about selling drugs and murder (you know all the good things we want for our community). Not one story on the root about boycotting any of those. But this we want to boycott, SMMFH.

POC, how has our life improved under dems the last 30-40 years? I don’t see shit getting any better with the dems. Not saying we should jump, but it is something we need to look at.

While your being introspective and asking questions, here’s one you might ask:

Not what the story says. It says he was escorted out after swaying he voted for Trump. If Chappelle can’t handle hecklers, maybe he should not be back on stage.

Non story.

Sorry, it’s not the function of the SCOTUS members to further the cause of POC or any other group.