
Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!

I didn’t say Kinja had anything to do with me. I said that it validated my complaints about the editorial failures of the site. It’s more obvious now than it’s ever been. The fact that it’s getting buried quickly now and actually means that I have MORE of a point that these articles shouldn’t be written and published.

I’m still here because these articles are still here.

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!

Who is this person you’re writing about? What do they have to do with pop-culture? Why did the editors let you run this? It seems like this essay that is better suited for your personal blog than Avclub.

It’s that they repost content from elsewhere on a regular schedule as if it’s news when it isn’t. It’s endemic of lazy content creation that the editors are allowing or encouraging.

It’s the same editorial problems that I’ve been posting about for months. Then, I get flamed for it. Hopefully people will actually start seeing what I’m talking about now that it’s directly in their face.

Protesting never changes anything. It only draws attention to the problem.

I was referring to youtube. People might miss a news article about a greenlit film or sequel since most people don't read Variety, but everybody uses youtube. No one needs to rely on a weekly newswire post to know there's a new clip from the show.

I disagree. It's just a beat-by-beat discription of what is said and happens in the clip. The article has eleven direct quotations from it. He may as well just post a transcript.

The content is recycled from the actual producer. If you don't have access to HBO, you can just subscribe to their youtube channel and be alerted when it's posted. Curating and reposting content or news that people might miss from trade publications like Variety is one thing, but if it happens at the same time

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!
The AV Club has made it a point to simply post the free video HBO hosts on YouTube every week with a short write-up and act like it's a news story. It's such a lazy and predicable form of content that I'll be highlighting every single time the editors of this site allow

If I were the first to post, it would be so late at night, that few people would be seeing it. I'm not goign to forgo sleep just to be the first to post, only for it to be buried with downvotes from people that would rather insult me than think about the merit of my complaint.

People bring this up a lot, but there is a difference between someone being paid to put content on a website and a person making a protest post on an internet message board. It seems like an obvious difference to me.

I don't have another account. I've liked AV Club for its articles, but I have other online communities to discuss things with if I like.

The difference is that Great Job Internet recycles content, but at least it's in its own section that can be ignored if you like. Supper Club is original content. If anything, there should be call outs for the newswire articles that just repost clips from popular late night shows.

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!
The AV Club has made it a point to simply post the free video HBO hosts on YouTube every week with a short write-up and act like it's a news story. It's such a lazy and predicable form of content that I'll be highlighting every single time the editors of this site allow