
They can ignore the main story because they don’t care about interesting content beyond what’s the most provocative and pandering for the attention. I’ve been making posts on every article for almost a year and people just flamed me. Now, I’ve been banned in such a way that hides all my old posts on the system. These

They have done articles like this about more boring topics, but my guess is that it wasn’t getting as many clicks. What gets clicks? Appealing to people’s desire to read negative things about the GOP. It’s tabloid tactics and this site used to be above that.

And now it appears my legitimate criticism every week is being hidden away as needing approval instead of being addressed!

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!

You’re asking me to pick through a few thousand articles that are made throughout the course of a single year. You’re not understanding that even if they didn’t post an article on LWT every week, the editors and writers could chose to make up for it by just finding whatever got posted on a different late night show’s

If I looked and collected the data that you’re asking for, could you have an open mind to what I’ve been saying and what would it take to convince you?

The difference is I didn’t start it. I’m doing the same in response as a protest.

You are realizing that writers could be paid by the article or be set to a quota for a certain number each week with the autonomy to choose that they write about. In case yes, a lazy article does use as much resources as any other that’s more difficult to find and write about. But we don’t actually know how their

The time or money spent on each article is inherently a resource. Any spent on one, can’t be spent on another, that’s how businesses work. The fact that you can’t understand such a simple concept really hurts your credibility. If I picked through the data of the last few months would that change your mind? What’s

This is less a look of the show as it would be in the TV club, as much as it is a beat by beat summary of the clip. Without the clip, it would be the equivalent of your friend telling you what happened on the show the night before, there would be even less of a reason for it to exist. With the clip, it’s a way to say

I wish I could look at the data to see how the site allocates its resources, but it’s all private information that none of us have access to. Believe it or not, those announcements are relevant entertainment news, but it was just an example of the types of stories that crop up everyday.

Last Week Tonight is a part of pop culture and to cover it to some degree is fair. I’m making the point that every single clip posted by HBO is reposted here without fail, every single week. It’s a way to exploit the work of others without being original.

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!

Where you’re wrong is that I’m not trying to bring attention to myself, as much as I am the problem of a last week night article being posted every week. I do want to get attention to the point where people see what I’m arguing for, but I could have no replies every week, and I wouldn’t say anything else. A full blown

I was referring more to them exploiting a sensationalist topic.

I’ll tell you how you’re wrong, point-by-point:

That’s true, I didn’t immediately notice. I wonder if a conscious choice was made to highlight the segment on racism over a more boring topic like forensics to get more traffic to the article.

I would argue that the show should be covered when one of their segments has a sizable pop-culture or newsworthy impact, for instance, when they motivated people to send complaints to the FCC. The big problem as I see it, is to simply post about it every single week without fail, but without giving it a critique the

I’m talking about a problem I see with the way content is created and posted on this site. You’re calling me a name. You should reconsider who’s acting like a child.