
Yeah, I was confused about that... as if Disney gives a fuck if you see their movie in advance. Stop covering their movies altogether and you have a different stance... but you’re literally just doing the same thing - only about a week or so later.

Now playing

For anyone who is interested, here is a link to the actual story covered in this episode: Economic Development, aka what the Republican Tax Reform hopes to encourage but most likely does not understand how to do it.

Holy cow, are we making an issue out of this? I saw the Beyond Stranger Things episode myself and Sadie was embarrassed, but not traumatized. If you get a job in Hollywood you eventually have to pretend to kiss people you don’t love in real life. It’s how acting works. Quit grasping at straws just because you’re

If you can work in the shitty Kinja change over, the cross posting of other garbage sites and the daily advertisements for Amazon, I’ll subscribe to your newsletter

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!

Dennis, I’m not one of those people that minds that you post a John Oliver summary every week. I do think it’s weird that when you do it you focus on the Trump story rather than the main story of the episode. It just makes the whole thing seem less serious and more about clicks and views. This week I’ll give you that

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!

Counterpoint: As a political comedy program host, John Oliver’s show definitely falls into the purview of what the AV Club, a pop-culture publication, is supposed to be covering.

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!

Jesus Christ... I think this may be where you finally lose me. I read this article, fully expecting this anti-diversity shitbag to have written something truly reprehensible that would justify my labeling him a shitbag. Instead you give me a lame joke that about 10000 completely woke people have made for years. My

Descriptors that I would NOT use when discussing the Twitter thread in question:

Hey guys. Do you know any sites similar to The AV Club which haven’t been destroyed yet? I don’t think I can take this anymore.

The AVClub is now firmly part of this new bullshit conglomerate which means they’re mandated to spew this sort of garbage. For the click click click click click clicks. Also Katie is a hack.


And all for a shittier version of the old Daily Show


Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!

Ruin his personal reputation because you didn’t like his piece in HuffPo? They publish dozens of articles a day. His piece didn’t go after anyone personally like this one did. This article was cruel and gross.

Who is this person you’re writing about? What do they have to do with pop-culture? Why did the editors let you run this? It seems like this essay that is better suited for your personal blog than Avclub.