
Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!
The AV Club has made it a point to simply post the free video HBO hosts on YouTube every week with a short write-up and act like it's a news story. It's such a lazy and predicable form of content that I'll be highlighting every single time the editors of this site allow

I'm not talking about journalism being spoiled. I'm talking about the main story on a television show being spoiled. LWT is a variety talk series, as it was submitted to the Emmies by HBO. You are mistaken to assume it's a news program.

I don't think that moving this to the TV club has to include an evaluation of it like over shows. It doesn't even need a letter grade. It can be exactly what is in this article, just in a place so that the people that want to discuss it can seek it out. As it stands now, it spoils the main story of the show every day.

It's copy and pasted with few alterations, to be sure, but to say that it's on the level of the bots that advertise work from home scams is just wrong.

I'm sorry to see that you don't understand the difference between someone being paid to write a lazy article and someone posting on an internet message board.

These get posted in the middle of the night. I just can't get to it until the morning.

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!
The AV Club has made
it a point to simply post the free video HBO hosts on YouTube every week
with a short write-up and act like it's a news story. It's such a lazy
and predicable form of content that I'll be highlighting every single
time the editors of this site allow

I work in the CST and get up to go to work after 8am my time. I read av club as part of my routine and post in the morning. I respond at times like now during lunch like right now. So you're wrong, but good job using your own bias to form a negative opinion even though you didn't know all the facts.

It only takes a minute to make these posts. Five minutes per week isn't enough to protest something that matters.

Then it should move to the TV Club. The only reason I can see as to why it's here instead of there is a failure to properly edit and manage this website. My posts are a protest of that failure.

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!
The AV Club has made it a point to simply post the free video HBO hosts on YouTube every week with a short write-up and act like it's a news story. It's such a lazy and predicable form of content that I'll be highlighting every single time the editors of this site allow

This is the kind of story related to LWT that belongs on the newswire. Because, you know, it's actually a news development and not just a clip of the show.

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!
The AV Club has made it a point to simply post the free video HBO hosts on YouTube every week with a short write-up and act like it's a news story. It's such a lazy and predicable form of content that I'll be highlighting every single time the editors of this site allow

It's almost as if I'm making these posts out of protest and not being paid for them. What's Dennis' excuse for every single one of his newswire articles being youtube links?

Yep, I made a simple mistake - that means I don't know how to count!

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!
The AV Club has made it a point to simply post the free video HBO hosts on YouTube every week with a short write-up and act like it's a news story. It's such a lazy and predicable form of content that I'll be highlighting every single time the editors of this site allow

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!

Then they should create a TV Club series on the show.

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!