
Being a pop culture website doesn't excuse it from editorial criticism. I've been reading the newswire for years and there's been more filler like this as time has gone on. This particular trend of always reposting a youtube video every Monday morning is particularly bad. So, I'll post every time it happens.

My point is that it's not news. It's an extended clip from a tv show.

That's right, there's literally no reason not to.

All fair points, but I believe that from an editorial standpoint, these newswire pieces just piggy-back on non-news content from a popular tv show. That's the kind of sell-out management that leaves you with a worse website. There are much better places to discuss this anyway.

Laziness begets laziness. They stopped for a while, but that was partially due to the break between seasons.

That's true, I thought maybe I had gotten through to someone, but they started up again. If they're back at it, so am I.

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!
The AV Club has made it a point to simply post the free video HBO hosts on YouTube
every week with a short write-up and act like it's a news story. It's such a lazy and predicable form of content that I'll be highlighting every single time the editors of this site allow

It's not my job to create content for a pop culture website. This is my comment on the article. If people want to see the latest Last Week Tonight video that HBO puts on YouTube, they can subscribe to their channel. There's no reason it should receive a newswire article every single week.

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!

Welcome to the weekly Last Week Tonight thread!