Micronauts too. I remember having those toys when I was a kid.
Micronauts too. I remember having those toys when I was a kid.
Legacy - the BC Avengers looks interesting.
The "Mars Attacks" tie in with The Savage Dragon comics were pretty terribleā¦ but Larsen used those events in some interesting ways.
Homecoming: I didn't like that Spidey "needed" a suit. But I liked how the suit was a stand in for his internal monolingual.
I too wanted to see Valerian. Everyone has told me not to go. All of their comments boiled down to the leads were miscast, and their acting was poor.
The real question - did Jon bring his big damn wolf with him?
Did I miss something? Those movies were terrible - who is asking for more?
generally really pissy about everything for some god unknown reason
The AV Club
Huh - John Carter was pretty good. Maybe I'll go see this.
I was hoping for Keith Davidā¦ but we'll see.
Hot take: everyone grows up pissed off at the preceding generation; then life shatters their illusions; then they realize they are just flawed humans trying their best.
Not sure when Autumnlands came out (not sure when then next issue will come out either).
It's the AV Club - they are contractually obligated to mention Trump in every other article.
Or since the metal in the chains the maester wear refer to different knowledge - the chains attached to the books could also be different metal, and be used a reference point. Kind of like a dewey decimal system.
Yes, 2nd wave feminist would hate the character - she uses sex as a weapon.
Yeah, that's what I was wondering - did she include all "heroes" from the 1930's till today? I'd like to see a breakdown by decade. And why only heroes - why leave out the villains? Villains are always more interesting and complex.
How long until someone make Foucault's Pendulum into a tv show?
Stick with the Edgar Wright Burroughs take.
Especially when you add in all the flying saucers going in and out via the Bermuda triangle. Of course those saucers are piloted by the super intelligent dinosaurs that moved to the hollow earth during the extension.
Sweet Aunt Petunia