Johnny Friendly


Yeah, this is huge. A Gawker/Gizmodo/GO Media blog actually said there was a situation in life where you shouldn’t tip.  I’m gonna go check and see if Hell has frozen over.

“she didn’t cite her sources therefore she must be lying!”
Yknow google is very easy to use.

Because it tastes good

Oh, and I’m guessing it’s not just any teacher who would get this treatment from alums.

Eh, I’m perfectly happy living in the best possible time to be a human being in all of history, thanks!

Dear Salty,

Just order the Ike & Tina Tuna and shut the fuck up.

This happens with small minded people all the time. They’ve greatly inflated their self importance despite having a totally arbitrary and mostly useless job function.

“Dear Salty -

Let’s call this a catering order instead of plain old delivery.

If I’m supposed to tip, I definitely want to, I just never know if I’m supposed to or not. HELP!

Alexa, show me why people hate vegans.

Comparatively, Atomic Blonde made $100 million at the Box Office.

Just read the comments right here. Almost everyone is saying that the old should pretty much die because they are taking up space for the young that need to work.

Weak take out of Salty this time. Bartender should’ve offered a substitution (rather than a straight-up comp) if he knew that this was a weak item on their menu, especially as he kept engaging (and psychologically misleading) the OP.

The bartender knew it might be a problem and new exactly what the problem might be. He apparently didn’t warn her about it ahead of time.  She shouldn’t have to pay for his experiments.

Good grief. The bartender came right out and admitted that he didn’t get it right. Hell yeah, it should have been comped. 

Well I guess you technically don't have to kill the pig to make pork rinds, but that seems needlessly cruel otherwise.