I don't think they actually use writers anymore - it's some sort of Mad Libs bot.
I don't think they actually use writers anymore - it's some sort of Mad Libs bot.
That's the bonus- Ziggy for the £20; Thin White Duke for £10, etc. etc.
They're Great! - Charlie the Tuna
They should have gone with Bowie.
I think that means lots and lots of flashbacks.
I wish restaurants would have "no children" sections.
That's fair - I'm going off vague memories of something I watch several years ago.
You meet some interesting people. Hats off to you.
Earth's incarnation of Superman - so he didn't have any superpowers, but if he went to another planet with a different color sun he would get them? That's a weird delusion.
I watched that documentary. I don't remember the bit about Invaka, but those kids were weird, and kinda dumb, and really pretentious.
Anyone who has never dated an idiot cast the first stone.
Halle Barry? They should have done that with Michelle Yoeh.
Is it just me or does writing, directing and staring equal vanity project doomed to failure?
It could have been Man-Ape, so Killmonger is probably an improvement.
It going to end with the kids from Stranger Things saying "That was the best game of Dungeons and Dragons ever!"
I'm not sure you could get the folks living in interior of those States to go along… at best you would have the United Coastal Republic
Doesn't the fact that she lost the election, by definition make her unelectable?
Supergirl (the movie) is also very close to the bottom.