Johnny Friendly

But that would mean Sava would have to give up lazy thinking - and that's never going to happen.

Short answer - It's a lot of work, it's a lot of risk, and it's a lot of money. This is why most of the new kid friendly hero's are built off of existing brands (see: Miles Morales, Ms. Marvel, Nova, etc. etc.). For every success like Squirrel Girl there are dozens of failures like Speedball. It's just easier for

Market forces in action.
And yet, people on this site rail against capitalism.

You have to wonder why Univision keeps paying them if they lift the majority of "articles" from other sites.

Has anyone tried FilmStruck?

The cartoon movies were pretty good - the live action were pretty "eh".


You don't want to see the "behind the scene footage" from Sucker Punch


It's a backdoor pilot for the Ambush Bug movie everyone has been clamoring for!

He's hosting Last Week Tonight

If you like Bester - you should also check out The Demolished Man.

that's the one.

If you don't mind a little free advice - skip the sequels. Just read Hyperion and Endymion, the sequels feel kind of forced and don't really add anything to the story.

The Hook by Donald Westlake - It's one of his last books. Sort of a Strangers on a Train story.

Only if I can talk to you about Jesus.

For me, Elijah Wood will always be: "Was he Spider-Man? No, that was the other guy.

The Stepford Wives: is that the remake where they gender flipped it? The husbands were getting brainwashed. Or was that the remake from the 80's?

Geez, I was so excited to see The Avengers. What a train wreck. But you got to admit, the scene with the teddy bears was pretty funny.

I've said before and I'll say it again Jeremy Renner has all the charisma of plate of cold mashed potatoes.