Johnny Friendly

I fell asleep during Godzilla 2014

The Good Son wow, what a piece of crap. It was opening night and half the crowd was yelling jokes at the screen.

Isn't there somebody called Mara Jade?

Replace all of the welfare programs with a universal minimum income?

Also, the lamest X-Man

The Young Ones?

Did you see that adaptation Predestination?
Not bad.

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not. If you really enjoy bad movies get the Full Moon extension.

Apathetic - yes. Banal - yes. Indifferent - yes.

And it will be more expensive not to be enrolled.

I think Amazon Prime is the real Netflix contender.

I think you just cast Johnny Quick from the Crime Syndicate.

Is he supposed to be the Grandmaster?

MTV turned into the AV Club so gradually, I didn't even notice.

Really, on economic protectiveness he's a hell of a lot like Bernie and Lizzie Warren. And he's almost as much of a war hawk as Clinton.

I'm cynical enough to believe that if Trump were a Democrat - most of the "resist" folks would be cheering him on.

He said good superhero shows.

Lots of folks drink chocolate milk after a workout.

Why did they use Newton? John Dee is right there.

False consciousness theory is the worst kind of lazy thinking.