That's a really good idea for a column.
You go well beyond comics.
Stagecoach/Mad Max: Fury Road
That's a really good idea for a column.
You go well beyond comics.
Stagecoach/Mad Max: Fury Road
I want to live in a world where all the aircraft are designed by Miyazaki; all the cars are designed by Geroge Miller; and wardrobe is from Jack Kirby.
Ever since I was legally able to buy beer.
And don't give credit to Miller for taking Batman back to his dark roots - that was Denny O'Neil.
If comic books have taught me anything, getting your funding cut makes you skip animal testing and just straight to humans.
Do you think Maxi's are going to be the new publication model?
I guess it would make it easier for new comers to jump on board, and since everything ultimately ends up in a trade - it kinda makes sense.
The script should come first, but your right - casting should come last.
and Ghost World
Talk about missed opportunities, I would have loved a Binary/Starjammers book.
Thanks dyslexia, I read that as Galactus the Liefeld. Now I'm picturing Galactus with a robot arm and giant gun.
That was before "decompressed storytelling" - they have to pad it out to fill a trade.
Maybe Dujour will play in Riverdale
I think you are confusing the Question with Mr. A.
Mr. A was the Objectivist
Jesus wept - does every article here have to be about Trump?
Or you can petition the government through your Representative.
I still think it's Deathstroke the Terminator.
Brubaker's Sleeper.
Fan service would be Felicity punching the writers for what they did to her character in last couple of seasons.
Good God, did they writers have a bet to see how many times they could work "George Lucas" into the script? It was every other line of dialog.
You know, Snyder could have a really good career is he only made title sequences. Sure it's a niche market, but a man's got to know his limitations.