I'm not a Breitbart troll… but are people really getting worked up over a cake? Let's try to keep things in perspective.
I'm not a Breitbart troll… but are people really getting worked up over a cake? Let's try to keep things in perspective.
What's your problem with Polk?
He fought a war with Mexico, expanded the country and had a balanced budget.
Didn't the "about the author" in Obama's biography say that he was born in Kenya? That's where that all started. Who knows where the golden shower thing started.
Can we also go back to the pre-Wilson era when the State of the Union was just a letter sent to Congress and not a televised 3hr insomnia cure?
I highly doubt that Trump personally had anything to do with the cake. It's a cake.
You got to count the press and the cops.
I can't wrap my head around how the Whole Foods crowd is anti-vaccine. You would think it would be the tin foil hat conspiracy nuts - but it's all people who should know better.
I would have suggested Pappasito's
How about D-Man?
And invented of the polygraph.
No - that was the one where Arnold Schwarzenegger got pregnant.
I think that was most of her '40's comics.
Maze Runner - was that one about the kids who practice human sacrifice in corn fields?
Was that the one with Tom Hanks as a guy who get obsessed with Dungeons & Dragons?
Would have been interesting to see Brubaker give these characters the The Last of the Innocent treatment
Shouldn't that be a colon?
American Crime: the Dirty Dancing remake so many lives lost so needlessly.
That super creepy scene with Empath and the New Mutants.
It's weird… Hydra Cap is the only established hero turning villain that I can think of.
They did that to set themselves apart from the Distinguish Competition, and now it's all they do.
Wow - that was the story that made me quit Marvel for a good couple of years.