Johnny Friendly

Is the first issue Giant Sized?

Jesus Future Quest - tell a damn story already. I don't know what issue they are on, but it's still all prologue.

But Senator Palpatine didn't win the election… Jar Jar did.

I thought Star Wars was about a bunch of religious zealots trying to overthrow the government.

Kurt Russell?

I would read a L.A. Women comic.
Katie Bishop, She-Hulk and I don't know Dani Moonstar running a private detective - kinda like old school Hero's for Hire.

Inhuman X-Man war… or is that over already?

They should cast him as a villain - play against type. He would make a really scary serial killer.

Wasn't he in Zootopia? Did that do poorly at the box office?

I'm not in show biz, but publicly complaining about a studio doesn't seem like a smart career move.

Now if they only made a fish scented candle…

Are you sure you aren't talking about Parker Posey?

Instead of villains - could it be Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters?

That's great. A future Flash filled with regret and self-loathing over past mistakes, desperately trying to fix things. And it would tie in with the "mysterious message" he left on that other show.

Right? Why not just throw the damn thing into space?

Because that would be interesting and different. The writers and show runners aren't interested in doing anything interesting or different.

Does anybody?
Are Catlin & Cisco independently wealthy that they can just work for free?
And if Barry owns Star Labs how does he pay for the property taxes and utility bills?

Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.
― H.L. Mencken (1880-1956)

Disney exec greenlights Avengers vs. Star Wars: fucking nerds.

People who use "literally" when they mean "figuratively".
And people who use "decimate" when they mean "devastate"