Johnny Friendly

Can I bring my Star Trek Mirror Mirror minimates?

Even Dark Shadows?

sure, sure - a Friday for a new generation.

Many, many reasons

Curly's Gold

Yea Bother

But you gotta love the ending.
DC: We're canceling the book.
Writer: Screw it, let just kill them off.

The X-Men (late '70's early '80's) got me hooked on comics.
'90's X-Men got me out of mainstream comics for a while, and out of the X-Men permanently.

I was hoping for Doll Man

Yeah but, Golden Age DC is head and shoulders above Golden Age Marvel. Aside from Cap, Namor and the Human Torch - I can't think of any one else.

I'd rather see a TV version of Top Ten - networks love cop shows.

I think there was a slap dash nonsensical ending that came out after a 3 year hiatus.

That's politics 101: It's never the crime, it's always the coverup. If she would have released the transcripts - no matter how bad they look, it wouldn't be a story. But her obfuscation gives the story legs.

Short term versus long term gains?
I think the GOP leadership would rather have Hillary as President and work on getting her out in 4 years rather than getting four square behind Trump.

The SJ Brownshirts call that "appropriation"

The Libertarian Party.

A sparrow with a machine gun

Wait, my mother's name is Martha.

Jimmy Carey is not the ideal type of anything.

Check out the '39 World's Fair poster from Hughes Industry - jet packs! Nobody dreams big anymore.