Johnny Friendly

No, but she needed a haircut to wear the '80's costume.

Search for Curly's Gold

That's my bad - I saw the Flash was a repeat, so I assumed zombi was too.

Thundarr the Barbarian/The Wire

Marvel rearranged several studio heads
I'm picturing a scene from Game of Thrones. Are their heads aligning a gate at Disney HQ?

Sure, cause it's not like there were Soviet agents in cabinet positions or anything (cough cough Henry Wallace and Alger Hiss). And it's not like the Soviets just stole the secret to the atomic device or anything. HUAC was a totally overreaction born out of nothing.


A thing is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it.

Is that a .44 Magnum in your pocket?

Wait, Fast & Furious wasn't a Cannonball Run remake?

How would the "legends" deal with the Anti-Monitor's encyclopedic knowledge of comic book lore? Cut off his internet access?

That has always been the biggest problem with the show (or at least in the top 10 - this show has a lot of problems). In the comics, he's an immortal caveman trying to take over the world. In this show, he's an immortal stalker that needs to kill the same woman over and over again.

Right? A Firestorm/Hawkman blend would have been cool.

What does it say about this show, that as shoddy as this episode was, it was the best one yet.

Was I alone in hoping to see an appearance by the Challengers of the Unknown?

Ginger Snaps is probably the best Canadian movie I've ever seen.

That Secret War's thing with Spider-Man and his kid was pretty good. And that story in Astro City about Jack-in-the-Box.

Her lover/rapist/baby

Thanks for reminding me of that awful Avenger's story about Ms. Marvel getting pregnant.

You thinking about the '90's. Stop it. You'll bring them back - look at what happened to DC.