Johnny Friendly

there's a dirty joke in there somewhere.

So Aunt May is working as a stripper? This is a fresh take on Spider-Man.

4th if you count the serials from the '40's.

most of the Batman movies have been pretty good
I'm guessing you skipped the Schumacher movies. Wish I had done that.

or Bruce Campbell.

Saturday Night Live is still on the air?

Put me in mind of Alan Moore's run on Supreme

I'd be saying the same thing if it was Bruce Lee fighting Kareem Abdul Jabbar or Wilt Chamberlain fighting Muhammad Ali

He's got 100lbs and 6in on her. Sorry, but in a fight, mass matters.

Yeah, and Supernatural has been on the air for what - 25 years now.

See, that's a plot line I could get behind. The ship, feed up with it's moronic captain, decided to murder the crew and go home.

I wanted Rip to say - Ray, your in charge of the ship… Kendra, your in charge of the coffee.

Ugh. Why do I watch this show?
Oh right, 'cause I'm an idiot.

Do you just read io9 and post the same article a day later?

Is she the one on Arrow?

Fingers crossed - can a gritty Lambada be far behind?

Which version? The Sci-Fi tv version or the David Lynch version? or both - back to back?

Scene Interior: colonial mansion drawing room.
Martha on her knees, bodice ripped to reveal cleavage.
Martha looks up into Washington's eyes and says:
"Help me General Washington, you're my only hope."

Martha Washington in lingerie and a 20m slow-mo scene of him chopping down a cherry tree?

It would be funnier is all her past reincarnations work in coffee shops (or their equivalent)