Johnny Friendly

Wouldn't Granny Goodness have made a better villain than Deathstroke Jr. You could have had parademons and what not.

And three months after this show is canceled she'll be one again.

You mean like from her two supervillain teammates?

Flash Writer A: "You know last season big story was pretty popular"
Flash Writer B: "Yeah, lets use it again, only this time we will change a couple of names"

Would you put Billy Wilder's One, Two, Three in the middle as a respite?

Alright - average movie trailer 2mins 30sec
10 movie trailers
That's 25mins
This being a Snyder movie - that's 75% of the plot.

As someone who has seen Lawrence of Arabia (and Dr. Zhivago) in the theater, I agree with you. But I don't think this movie is going to be in that category.

And therein lies the problem.

I read something yesterday that said 75% of the movie is in all of the trailers they have released.

Stan Lee

Hurrah another Autumnlands fan. For those of you who aren't reading it - it's a really good update on Kamandi the last boy on earth

Fatty Arbuckle?

It's a little like Gilligan's Island - but without the humor.
The skipper's an idiot. The professor's a jerk. Mary Anne is a barista.

And you weren't any good at that either.

I always though I looked a little like Ray Milland

Alternatively, they never STOPPED going to the moon - and those millions of people who go missing every year are toiling away in moon mines.

The character was a lot better in season 1 - plus she wore tight skirts and high heals in every episode.

It's the big Flash Secret HQ billboard the have out front.

I was thinking it's superman, and he was being deprived of sunlight.

I'm starting to think the writers hate this show. So much wasted potential, so much bad dialogue.