I thought it was an abusive Mom and Dad had to protect him.
I thought it was an abusive Mom and Dad had to protect him.
See, that sounds like a fun issue. A mutant has the power to turn costumes into stripper parodies of themselves and the X-women have to stop him.
Yeah. I gave up on the X-Men some time in the mid '90's. Too many books, too many crappy characters (I'm looking at you Marrow). It was better when it was only one book - same applies to Spider-Man and the Avengers.
I was going to go with Barry's dad - what'shisname.
You can't grade shit?
What about Kite-Man?
I would love to see Thea become Cheshire.
It's Felicity - why else would Barry be there. But the bad guy is some magic man death guy - so they will resurrect her.
The rapture already happened. We were left behind.
Self righteousness is a disease.
I thought Sunny Bono was dead.
I thought their show was called "Thanks Obama!"
Austin ain't that weird.
I wouldn't mind seeing him as Kulan Garth - and turning Manhattan into Hyborean Age version of itself. But you would need Spider-man - so forget about it.
I too have a lot of fantasy involving Adrianne Palicki.
Fingers crossed that it's not an origin story.
I've always liked the Batmanuel comment from the short lived Tick TV show:
Ok lookit, I'm a libertarian (small "l"). And while I thing government has an important roll to play in socitity, I don't think that includes television programing.
I watched your link. At the beginning Mr. Roger's says he recieved a grant from the Sear's Foundation. That was in the '60's - this investment of private money is hardly new. So, why the insistence on using taxpayer money?