Johnny Friendly

Jainism might have them beat.
Apart from not eating meat, fish and eggs, strict Jains do not eat onions and garlic because they increase sexual desires. Strict Jains
also do not eat any root vegetables like potatoes because smaller
insects are killed in their harvest and the vegetable itself will have
millions of

That's how they ended The Greatest American Hero

But the Fig-Newman's are fantastic.

Typical Rosicrucian propaganda. Everyone knows that the Brotherhood of Saint George with aid of the Bavarian Illuminati and the Reptiloids from the hollow Earth control Hollywood.

Phoebe Cates' pool scene from Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Tesla invented the Death Ray, that's real bad ass.

In the future, there will be a new Spider-Man movie every 15 minutes.

No you shouldn't, you really really shouldn't. Image if Holden Caufield from The Cather in the Rye had magic powers and was obsessed with the Narnia books. Sound awful? It is.

You can make the same point about every superhero movie. You don't need an origin story. Who cares? They are all the same.…

Only if you pay attention to Marvel silly compressed timeline. The Kingpin was a full grown man in the 60's - so he should have been a kid in the 40's.

Was the fat kid supposed to be the young Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)?

Why not the drill Sargent from Full Metal Jacket - R. Lee Ermey?

I was watching The History Channel the other day, they said is was alien big game hunters.

Not likely. Warner Brothers has that no humor policy in comic book movies.

That Multiversity Captain Marvel story was awesome. If they ever make a Captain Marvel movie - they should use that story.

This show has really gone into the toilet this season.

Look for Officer Detective Captain Lance to run for Mayor next season.

"Laurel is becoming less annoying now" - sorry, I still hit the mute button when she speaks.

I think the writers are have her say "screw Ollie" and go work for team Atom.
