
This show is so good, I’m going to miss it when it’s gone. This week’s episode was phenomenal. I’m also doing a rewatch of the show and let me say, Cameron is brutal from day one. I thought she just turned brutal but her actions in Season 2 are scarring to every person around her. Joe is just as bad but at least he’s

I just finished the season this week and found out it is canceled. So that's a really unfortunate situation, everything on a cliffhanger and now it's over. It was a beautiful show but, in the end, the Final Episode Grade of C is the grade I would give the entire series. Very unfulfilling. This is the last time I'm

It can't. I'm excited for this live show. It's going to absolutely destroy the disappointment that was the Rent movie.

Whatever it is, it's really distracting. It's either an odd vocal fry affection OR a woeful southern accent. I hope that she balances out the accent in future episodes, because her character is good.

Your TV definitely heard you and this information has been uploaded to Amazon, Google, and Facebook.(among others) Be prepared for a lot of Real Estate listings coming your way.

This is a great comment but I do disagree. Maher is especially necessary during the Trump Era. Trump is a vile, ignorant monster; Maher is , smart, nuanced and balanced. Yeah, some of his feelings are extreme, but if everyone in politics was like him, (flawed and honest) we would never have ended up with Trump.

AV Club has really gotten deep into the HOT TAKEZ world. Every column is sensationalized. It's really pathetic. Bill Maher has a pretty good show that is interesting to watch. It's also very funny. But but but, MUSLIMS. Hang him, he's a monster. Yawn.

Where have you been? It's a fun show, I recommend it. Especially if you liked the movie.

It's part of her contractual obligation to find something sexist. So the job is complete for this week. Because parents only talk about the weight of women and never about men. Never happened. Ever. In the history of parenting.

This pilot was fantastic and as a huge fan of the movie, I'm very excited for this show and the reviews.

Yes. Davis is acting her ass off but the character is so horribly written, brutal to watch, and annoying to listen to because Cam is so utterly immature. If she acted this way in 8th grade, she would be detention every other week.

That is excellent.

It's officially making the reviews difficult to read. Dennis is so obsessed at this insignificant aspect of the show, he's actually missing an incredible show. Giving this episode a B- and calling it dull suggests to me Dennis didn't actually watch the episode. These reviews are figuratively killing me. Yet I keep

Murphy lost his wife, he's accomplishing nothing in Columbia but watching the bodies stack up, and he's getting marginalized by Messina. I wonder why he's sulking, life seems to be great for him.

I don't like to respond to myself, but I just read a bunch of comments saying pretty much the same thing I said. I'm glad I'm not alone on this one. Dennis, move on from your "theme" and you'll write great reviews about what is a tremendous show. Murphy is fine. Move.On.

Man, these reviews are so typical of AV Club. Take a theme, any theme, and beat said theme into the ground, tying it to the show as a whole. The narration on this show is limited in scope and non offensive in every way. Murphy is a solid character, a tie in to the world of Pablo. Stop focusing on that as the reason

I have hate watched shows before but I've never hate read reviews until I started reading the Bloodline season 2 reviews. Kayla gives the episode a B+ and then proceeds to complain about almost everything and stray observations above are an embarrassment to critical analysis. Sometimes a show just gets the wrong

Because TV critics need to make their points without honesty or objectivity. They want to become the story. Proof of this are the reviews on this website. I mean, this episode warranted an A- and it's littered with all the things going wrong with the show. Even a rave review like this is peppered with jetsam and

Kayla is reaching "troll" status. It's annoying as hell. But I think she's doing it on purpose, because it's creating a lot of chatter. Hence, troll.

I'm officially hate reading these reviews. Almost everything Kayla writes about this show is deeply complimentary and, yet, in the latter half of the column, she finds a variety of illusory complaints to continue to prove her hated of the show is fair. But I can hate read with the best of them. So I'll be back. I