
Does this Website basically have to hate everything now? It is a relentless slog of negativity. It’s such a tired way of doing business. But it works, because even I’m posting about it.

Myles is mad that the show didn’t happen in season 2 exactly the way Myles wanted it to happen. Because of that, he has been very critical. That isn’t critical writing, it’s just lashing out. Nate would understand.

It didn’t come off as a joke. Either representation matters or it doesn’t. You can’t pick and choose, unless you’re the type who just makes it up as you go along.

She’s great, usually, but this was really bad casting here. This show sucks, I am sad to say, and Beanie is part of the problem and not any part of the solution. Oh well, can’t win them all, but I think I’m done watching this. 

Gotta be honest, I enjoyed this show. It was unique, compelling, and enjoyable to watch. Every episode unwrapped a new mystery in a clever way. People should watch this show, it’s a good one. 

“Tell me your a humorless c*nt without telling me you’re a humorless c*nt.” McNutt is like, “read my review.” This review is rubbish. You’re not reviewing Stateless or Underground Railroad. This show is about a basketball coach who gets hired to coach soccer as a joke, so an ex wife can get back at her ex husband. The

Hawaii is a United States state. Like, it is an actual state, not even a territory like Guam or the VI. The Hawaiian people are Americans. Its land is America.

John, I am going to go ahead and vehemently agree with you. What a ridiculous post that was. WAAAAH WAAAAH. 

It’s really sad this website celebrates someone getting Covid, and goes as far as including a picture that can only be classified as obnoxious. Good job AV, smug, righteous, and overwrought.

I agree. Frank flat out sucks. It is a crime that William H Macy has to play that slob. He sucks. He’s always sucked and there is not a single redeeming quality. 

This is great content, thank you. 

Also, Westworld is 2018. 

This is a good list. Bojack is too high (just a lot of dancing around the same story this year) and Russian Doll(definitely the most overrated darling of 2019) is ridiculously too high, but it’s solid overall. Every show on this list(at least the ones I have seen) are excellent. It was a very good year for TV,

I loved the flash forward. It was well done.

This is an excellent and well written review. Thank you!

This show is a blast, I really like it, and I appreciate the reviews. They have been awesome to read thus far. I look forward to reading the rest once I finish the season. I’m only up to this episode. 

This show is fantastic and I’m glad it’s back for one more season. Let’s GO!

This review gets an F from me. Could you have missed the point any more than you did? Wow, I’m embarrassed AV Club would publish this. This episode was genius, it was very funny, and it was bold.

I really liked this episode, although retconning has never bothered me. So I always love these looks back into the past. This episode was funny and sharp and the Marvel stuff was legendary, too.

Please bring the recaps back. This show is excellent and deserves coverage. Thanks for the column today. I was utterly moved by Under Pressure in a way TV rarely moves me.