
I dunno. I’ve tried to keep pace with your issues with this season of Ted Lasso but I think you’ve lost me with this review. I’m not sure that this season has been the smoothest and there’s definitely some withdrawal pangs generally after the extreme high of season one, but I do fear that - like the AV Club’s Lost

100% agree. The reviewer is clinging to personal bias and it shows every week. The want this show to be something else and seem mad the show isn't changing for them.

Myles, I wish you could get out of your own head. You’re so painfully overthinking this show. And you know it. It’s a journey you have to take for yourself.  

You really seem to be going into these episodes expecting not to like them, looking for things to pick apart. It feels like that more & more with each episode you review.

You are a buzzkill! AND a long winded gasbag. It’s a TV show about Loki. It’s a TV show!

Pedant, not pendant. Just to be a smart-ass.

Yes, let’s get angry at the person that has done the most to visibly increase minority representation in theatre in at least the last 25 years, that’s very productive.

Counter to your counter: So what if it was intentional? It’s his damn show.

Yes, it’s definitely not intentional that The Root attacks Pop Culture Figure over Manufactured Outrage and AVClub Gets To Piggy-Back on That Pop Culture Link For More Outrage Clicks.

You’re mentally ill 

First of all, its not just Republicans who oppose this pseudointellectual nonsense. Second, we oppose it because it is pure sophistry and entirely racist. It “otherizes” white people and blames “whiteness” for every ill and problem in the world. It reduces every individual down to their race, skin color, and gender.

1. Noone would give a shit about this show without Frank. Period. All the talk in the past how they shouldve killed him off a long time ago is idiotic. He dies when the show dies, not a second before.

Also it’s the rest of the gang asking, not Danny saying. And as other commenters have pointed out, the rest of the T-Birds are jackasses. A bunch of jackasses ASKING a character who is deep down a nice guy (ie the romantic lead) if he forced his girlfriend does not condone rape, it highlights that Danny is a nice guy

Yes it does! The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, for example, taught me I should join the Navy. It’s called patriotism.

If I had a dime every time it was mentioned Margaret has children... I'd have like three dimes.

Yeah but Mad Men and Breaking Bad BOTH premiered in the 2000's by that logic...Granted it was later than earlier but if we’re arguing technicalities...

Great list, but I’m kind of disappointed you didn’t put Big Mouth at 69.

This was a nice capper for Jesse, and a perfect format for it. It would have been anticlimactic in Breaking Bad proper (that was Walt’s story to end) but having some closure on Jesse is good for the character and also fan service without being egregiously unnecessary. Although it has a lot of the “Jesse torture porn”

I’ve dealt with the normal stuttering like many have on Xbox. No issues with inventory or saves. I have, however, experienced the crash bugs while joining a friends game off of an invite. Three separate times, my entire Xbox has shut off after accepting the invite. It’s happened to a few of my friends as well. It