
These reviews are a nightmare. It's like we're not watching the same show.

I love these movies and have been eagerly awaiting another sequel. Thanks for the column.

AV Club really needs to find someone else to review this show. It is not a drama and not every show needs a dark, antihero to root for and against at the same time. It's a fluffy summer comedy. Coming at this show, expecting it to deal honestly with concussions, is as ridiculous as expecting the real NFL to not be run

This show is awesome, I'm really sorry to see it go. What a treasure. So many good comedies have been canceled in the last 3 years, while the dreck (and you know what the dreck is) continues on and on and on.

Agreed. B to this episode makes me think Les doesn't have either eyes or ears.

I will chime in once again to comment that these reviews are the reason why AV Club is falling off the map. They aren't witty and hip, they are dumb. And obnoxious. If this show is so hated by the staff, why bother with these idiotic reviews. The Following isn't a brilliant show by any means but reading these reviews

It was so awesome, I watched it three times. Just a very strong, powerful scene. JLM is so awesome in this role. I am on Team Elementary, not Team Sherlock, which is good in its own way but Elem is better.

Legit was a great show, this is lousy news.

Note, John Comas = johnmd20

This new AV club redesign is truly a debacle. Brutal. I am getting my friends to watch Spartacus now, either letting them borrow my blu rays(I have all the eps on Amazon, so I can still watch) or buying them outright. I have rewatched GOTA and BAS AGAIN, too. I'm addicted. And I am watching all the special features,