John, Maddened

A team spokesperson noted that, for the Cardinals this season, Minegar’s was but the first of many wasted drives.

I can figure out real quick how far a field goal kick is from the spot of the ball

While Jim Breuer’s impression of a Latino is questionable at best, he kind of nails his impression of a probably alcoholic, washed up C-list celebrity.

Sure is. A club for assholes.

The Blindside

Rex Ryan would nurse those feet back to health. Day and night, tirelessly working. Without thanks, without pay, without reciprocated feelings. That is what love is. Being there when you aren’t asked to be. Seeing the foot for what it is ON THE INSIDE and not for what it is on the outside, because that’s where true

Brady will be a free agent.

Nice of J. Lo to have the cake customized for his personality.

Thomas’s middle finger wasn’t all that hard to interpret


“All the kids are in the front row because we let them go there” 

When Wisconsin eventually gets an NHL team with a mascot that does kids parties, this is how Slender Man will make his entrance.

How strange. I always assumed AI would achieve self-awareness first.

“I love the fact your always working if we ever had sex I feel like after an orgazzum you say speaking of feeling good did see the story on the puppy rescue we should do a segment on it hand me my phone.”

[writes “37. Lennay Kekua”]

Then Allie Long eats a page. It rules.

making public these public documents would “place the county and its taxpayers at a competitive disadvantage.” 

the Golden Boot for top scorer  

No Rider At The Tour de France Has More Panache Than Julian Alaphilippe

SWAL-long, Fare-WELL